Defend and Extend Public Housing BBQ Picnic and Networking Meeting

Contact Phone: 
0451 047 188
Date and Time: 
Sunday, December 4, 2011 -
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Jeremy Dixon
Coburg Lake, City of Moreland Melbourne. Just south of the old Pentridge Jail, on Merri Creek. Corner of Gaffney & Champ Streets, 5 minutes walk east down Gaffney St from Sydney Rd. A great location for an open air event, there is shelter if it rains and it is near water if it is hot which is more likely. Kids playground and BBQs, public toilets, natural beauty in the city. Obviously we may have to share the BBQ. Once one enters the park one walks straight down towards the river and lake. It should be OK for people with wheelchairs and other mobility problems, there is a path alongside the lake/creek. We will have a banner or the like down near the footbridge. A good chance for the people who know each other face to face to meet those who we so far only know through a computer terminal; and do some serious plotting!

Defend and Externd Public Housing was formed by public housing tenants to combat the privatisation of public housing by stealth which is taking place in Victoria as elsewhere in Australia; largely under the innocent-sounding label of "community housing". We are open to all, not just public housing tenants. Public housing is a social good which holds down prices and rents in the private sector as well; although obviously public tenants have a special interest and mobilizing them is a priority. A working group has been meeting regularly since July but we need to form new groups and get more active amongst tenants. We are distinct from Friends of Public Housing which recently launched its facebook page, also some of us have been involved with that as well.



scrap the concepts of public and private and make it real