Day of Action - Respect Workers Rights campaign

Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 5, 2011 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Meet on the corner of Brunswick Street & Kerr Street at 12:45pm this Saturday.

Come down and help out with UNITE's next day of action for the 'Respect Workers Rights' campaign!

The campaign is off to great start so far and will continue building momentum this weekend. So far every shop on Brunswick St has been visited more than once with our volunteers handing out leaflets and information to workers and employers and beginning to check which workplaces aren't sticking to the law. We have already started to ...uncover underpayment issues.

Shoppers on Brunswick St have been very supportive of the campaign with hundreds signing our petition and thousands taking leaflets. Many have already pledged not to shop anywhere that doesn't have a sticker and that is 'named and shamed' by the campaign.

This week we need to continue our store visits, staff our public information stall and continue postering the street. Every extra volunteer boosts our campaign enormously!

Come down and help us fight back against bad healty and safety, super-low wages and dodgy bosses!

Meet on the corner of Brunswick Street & Kerr Street at 12:45pm this Saturday.
