Cry Me A River - Kayak

Date and Time: 
Sunday, August 16, 2009 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Federation Square City of Melbourne near Princes Bridge Yarra River side

Cry Me A River – Pipeline Policy A Real Drag

The folly of the State Government’s North-South pipeline water policy will be exposed by author, adventurer and lifelong water-engineer Steve Posselt, as he paddles and drags a kayak from Echuca to Melbourne. He started his journey on August 1.

The already stressed nature of the Goulburn River system means Posselt will be forced to trek over hills and dried out parts of the River before he reaches Melbourne on August 16.

The Government has begun building the contentious North-South pipeline, which will drain 75 billion litres of water each year from the Goulburn River near Yea following its completion, piping it over the Great Dividing Range and into Melbourne.

Posselt aims to highlight the plight of already struggling rural communities that will be severely affected by the pipeline.

“Please have a heart Melbourne,” Posselt said before embarking on the trip. “Don’t let the Government steal this precious water. The river needs it. We have alternatives - the river does not”.

Dedicated to water conservation, Posselt has previously paddled and dragged his kayak from Brisbane to Adelaide – along the entire Darling and Lower Murray Rivers, documented in his book Cry Me A River.

Posselt feels similarly passionate against the Brumby Government’s North-South pipeline.

“Almost as much rain falls on Melbourne as Melbourne uses and what are we doing about that? When there is not enough water to go round, no amount of large-scale engineering will get us out of trouble. In fact, it usually makes things worse,” Posselt said.

He has the support of other water saving groups including Watermark Australia, an initiative of the Victorian Women’s Trust, Plug the Pipe, and Friends of the Earth.

Posselt will paddle into Melbourne via the Yarra River on August 16, finishing at Federation Square, where people from the city who share his concerns will join him to make a plea for common sense water decisions. Please consider joining him

Further details and daily updates are available here.



The North South Pipeline is an act of maddness. Have a look at this youtube video, Topher explains it very well.