Creation + Destruction Skillshare

Date and Time: 
Saturday, August 21, 2010 -
11:00am to 6:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Kati / Lilia
Image icon cdflyer.jpg98.25 KB
Loophole Community Centre, 670 High St, Thornbury

Next Creation & Destruction Skillshare set for 21st August 2010 @ Loophole Community Centre. Workshops include firemaking, fermented foods, DIY strength building, power tools, fierce creatures: make up secret spill session...more to be confirmed. Check out the website for up to date timetable.

Creation & Destruction Skillshares are *centred* events. This means people most affected by oppressors are prioritized to access the workshops, eg. (in no particular order) womyn (trans womyn and non trans womyn), femmes, indigenous people, people of colour, trans folk, queers, people with disabilities, refugees, working class people etc. We are not assuming anything about anyone, we each need to decide what is best for ourselves…

Two Creation & Destruction Skillshares have been held at Loophole Community Centre, Thornbury (Vic), so far, with more planned for the future. Please check out what these skillshares are all about through this website, and keep an eye out for future dates.

We can be contacted at createanddestroyskills[at]
