Container Deposit Rally

Contact Phone: 
0425 841 564
Date and Time: 
Monday, July 18, 2011 -
9:30am to 11:30am
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Anthony Amis
Queensbridge Square - near Sandridge Bridge, Southbank (Melways: 1A G12)

In opposition, the Baillieu Government supported moves to implement Container Deposit Legislation in Victoria.

However now in the Government, the Baillieu Government has instead decided to wait until the Federal Government finalises the Packaging Impacts Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS).

This process could take years. Meanwhile beverage container waste issues, including pollution continue to worsen. Container Deposit legislation would mean that a 10c deposit is placed on all beverage containers, meaning containers will not be thrown away as garbage but recycled.

South Australia has had such legislation for the past 30 years. Why not Victoria?

The youtube video presented here shows a person collecting 18 beverage containers in 2 minutes. This would be worth $1.80 if consumer deposit legislation was enacted. ($60/hr)

Youtube Beverage Container Pollution:
