Concession Day for Equal Pay

Contact Phone: 
03 9388 - 0062
Date and Time: 
Friday, July 22, 2011 -
9:00am to 11:00am
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Pay Justice Action
Corner of Bourke & Spencer Streets CBD

An Australian woman earns 18% less than a man! That means the average superannuation pay out for a woman will be half that of a man’s by the age of retirement! If the pay gap doesn’t change, today’s 25-year old women will retire one million dollars worse off than their male counterparts!

July 22 is “Concession Day for Equal Pay.” We are calling for all women to pay the concession fare for their public transport ticket – if you’re already on a concession, don’t pay anything at all! Why 22 July? This is the 41st anniversary of a protest action by women’s liberationists, Zelda D’Aprano and Bon Hull, who refused to pay full fare on the tram to protest women’s unequal pay.

The Government has been stalling on Equal Pay for more than 40 years. On May 16th this year, Fair Work Australia found that wages in the community sector are lower that they’d otherwise be because of gender considerations. The action? More investigations!

More legal arguments! Same low pay. More delay.

There’s strength in numbers! Team up with others to organise a symbolic action in your community. Or come and support the Pay Justice Action crew who’ll be recreating Bon and Zelda’s bold action. Meet at 9:00 am on Friday 22 July at tram stop 1, corner of Bourke & Spencer Streets for a protest concession fare ride through Melbourne.
No more stalling – Pay Up Now!

Support Concession Day for Equal Pay by pledging to participate. Circulate the Facebook event to all your friends. Log on to for an easy link to the Facebook event.

For more information e-mail Pay Justice Action:

Like to donate to the campaign? Send a cheque or money order payable to Feminist Education Association, PO Box 308, Brunswick Vic 3056. Or contact us for web bank details. Phone: 03-9388-0062
