Community action towards a climate just world

Contact Phone: 
02 9550 9931
Date and Time: 
Thursday, May 5, 2011 -
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Contact Email: 
jura at
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Jura Books, 440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham

Jura Books is going solar-powered! In order to explore the politics of community owned renewable energy, Jura welcomes Nicky Ison for a special presentation on practical community action towards a climate just world. Nicky is a climate change and renewable energy activist and researcher who has recently returned from a study tour of 28 community renewable energy projects across Europe. She is a founding member of the Community Power Agency. This presentation will:

  • Highlight exciting stories of European community energy projects;
  • Discuss the social change benefits and challenges of community renewables in responding to climate change and creating a more just world;
  • Provide an overview of what is happening with community renewables here in Australia; and
  • Enable space for all present to discuss what we can do together to develop community renewable energy projects, with a particular look at the role of anarchists, activists and interested people.

We'd love you to come along to the presentation by Nicky on Thursday 5 May at 6.30pm - it's free and all are welcome.

At Jura, we believe that community-owned and controlled renewable energy systems are a vision of the future. Can you imagine a world based on the principles of sustainability and decentralised collectivism? A world where communities own their own power systems. That's the world we want to model and fight for. A solar system at Jura is one step along that path. We oppose capitalist, state-run systems of carbon trading because they can't solve the climate crisis and are deeply unjust. Instead, we invite you to join us in grassroots organising for justice on climate change.

Please make a donation now to help make the Jura solar system a reality:
