Rally: Stop the Capitalists provocations against socialistic North Korea!

Contact Phone: 
0417 204 611
Date and Time: 
Saturday, February 12, 2011 -
2:00pm to 3:30pm
Contact Email: 
PDF icon DPRK_rally2.pdf116.36 KB
Contact Name: 
Sydney Town Hall Square

Do you hate capitalism? Well if you truly do then you must take a stand with the socialistic Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) against the intense threats it is facing from capitalist states. Rally to demand:



Endorsed By: Trotskyist Platform, Supporters of Iranian People's Fadaee Guerillas

The governments of the U.S.A, Japan, South Korea and Australia have launched a volley of threats against North Korea. It is only support for the DPRK from the Peoples Republic of China that has thus far prevented an all out U.S.-led invasion of North Korea.

So why are they targeting North Korea? They invaded Iraq to gain greater control over the world’s oil supplies. Yet North Korea is not oil-rich. The reason that they are targeting the DPRK is because it remains a socialistic state.

In such a situation anyone sympathetic to socialism must side with the DPRK regardless of whatever deformities the workers state there may have. The issue here is a class conflict between the socialistic DPRK and capitalist forces. The U.S. military has been holding continuous war preparations just a few kilometres from North Korea and carrying out other aggressive acts like frequently sending its warplanes to dart into the North Korean airspace. However, the exact manner in which any battle arises is not of decisive importance just like it does not matter to socialists how a struggle between a capitalist boss and a trade union fighting for workers rights comes about.

Nevertheless, it is clear that it is the capitalist side that is provoking the conflict. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops remain stationed in South Korea. North Koreans remember the horrific crimes of the U.S., Britain and Australia during the 1950-53 Korean War, crimes which exceeded even their hideous atrocities later in Vietnam. On several occasions they exterminated the civilian population of North Korea’s capital Pyongyang by simply burning the entire city to the ground with napalm. Now, over the last few years, the U.S. and South Korea have been holding ever more threatening military exercises against North Korea. In these exercises they have taken to firing live ammunition over disputed waters.

The imperialists aim to either provoke a war or to bleed North Korea dry. Until the DPRK’s Soviet ally collapsed leaving the DPRK extremely vulnerable, North Korea’s socialised economy had enabled a universally well-fed population with one of the world’s highest literacy levels, free medical care, housing for all and advances in women’s equality. Since the Soviet Union’s destruction the capitalist noose around the DPRK has tightened. It has been hurt by sanctions and the provocative acts of the U.S. military forces in the Korean Peninsula have forced North Korea to spend valuable resources on building up its military defence. Still, contrary to the hysterical Western media propaganda, the North Korean masses manage to get by and continue to hold steadfast against all the threats. They can be compared to workers on a long strike against a powerful boss – their struggle brings many hardships but they stand firm in the hope of a brighter future.

Their courageous struggle to maintain socialistic rule must meet with solidarity from opponents of capitalism here. The conflict between the U.S-led capitalist states and the DPRK is a frontline in the conflict between socialism and capitalism, between the working class and the capitalist exploiters. Anyone here who cannot rise to the defence of the socialistic conquests in the DPRK – however warped they are from incessant capitalist pressure – is incapable of winning new conquests against capitalism.





Defend an authoritarian regime such as North Korea? They are worse than the capitalists for fucks sake.

Some people ...I'm speechless...

Well done to Trotskyist Platform, how come the Sydney District Committee of the CPA didnt endore the rally when they endorsed an earlier one? Maybe Hannah wouldnt let Dennis out of the house?