RTA Security guard shows his "respect" for fight to save Alum Sacred Mountain

This RTA/Baulderstone security guard was photoed saying, "Here, put that up on FaceBook." on Monday, 7th February, 2011. Well went one better and put it up on Independant Media! The campaign to save the Alum Sacred Mountain from RTA vandalism continues. Visit the campaign website on Facebook here



This is for the Bulahdelah section of the brutally conducted ‘Pacific Highway Upgrade’.

Despite the existence of viable, safe and less costly alternatives, the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) chose to destroy an area of world heritage significance for a new section of highway which, in the environmental impact statement (Main Volume – Justification of the Proposal) is ‘justified’ with such as the following:-

There are risks to drivers on the proposed Upgrade, and to residents of Bulahdelah associated from boulders falling from the cliffs and slopes upslope from the proposed Upgrade. There are also risks of slope failure of the colluvial [i.e. existing landslide] material during both construction and the operation of the proposal.

This RTA scheme entails destruction of an Aboriginal Sleeping Giant, Boolah Dillah (long-term nickname 'the Alum Mountain'; registered as Bulahdelah Mountain). The RTA’s intention is for the mountain to have its mid-slopes, its 'belly', blasted up to 26 metres below current ground level. The contractor is Baulderstone Pty. Ltd., a subsidiary of Valemus (previously Bilfinger Berger Australia) of which Nick Greiner, former NSW Premier, is CEO.

During destruction, which under the misnomer ‘major construction’ is documented as being for three years (weather permitting), people in and beyond the township on the mountain's foot will be caused to inhale airborne sulphuric acid dusts and crystalline silica. Crystalline silica, a Group 1 human carcinogen, also causes silicosis. Silicosis is incurable.

It is not 'too late' for this to be prevented and the RTA forced to use another route for their Pacific Highway 'upgrade' at Bulahdelah. Additional information in regard to this provable insane RTA scheme is available under the various tabs at: http://bulahdelahbypass.wordpress.com/about/