F o E - David Rovics & Madeline Hudson

Contact Phone: 
0448 712 420
Date and Time: 
Friday, August 7, 2009 - 8:00pm to Saturday, August 8, 2009 - 12:15am
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
canopy son
Emerald Lounge, Clifton Hill Hotel


invite to the event "David Rovics in Melbourne"...

we need 100 people to come hope to see you all there
more info 0448 712 420 canopy-san.

Event: David Rovics in Melbourne
"He will make you laugh, he will make you cry, and he will make the revolution irresistible."
What: Concert
Host: FoE
Start Time: Friday, August 7 at 8:00pm
Madeline Hudson starts at 8pm
David from 9.30pm
End Time: Saturday, August 8 at 12:00am
Where: Emerald Lounge, Clifton Hill Hotel


Contact Information David Rovics
Email: drovics@gmail.com
If you email me and don't get a response within a few days, it probably means I did not get your message for some stupid reason, like a malfunctioning spam filter, interference by an intelligence agency or whatever. Please try again or try calling or something...
Skype: david.rovics
Phone (US): (503) 863-1177
Snail Mail: David Rovics
4326 SE Woodstock Blvd. #434
Portland, OR 97206-6270 (US)

This Month
22nd, JULY 2001 - Italian youth Carlo Giuliani is killed by cops in Genoa, Italy at the G8 protests there. I wrote "Behind the Barricades" for him, just after he was killed. Other good songs for this anniversary could include "Miami" (different town, same cops), "Shut Them Down" (what needs to happen to the G8), and maybe "Crashing Down", "Strike A Blow Against the Empire" and "After the Revolution". And maybe "Butcher for Hire", about a police chief who would have been right at home in Genoa.

David Rovics supports file sharing of his own work. "Feel free to download these songs. Use them for whatever purpose. Send them to friends, burn them, copy them, play them on the radio, on the internet, wherever. Music is the Commons. Ignore the corporate music industry shills who tell you otherwise. Downloading music is not theft, you're not hurting anyone, I promise. (And in any case, yes, this is legal, and I'm making all of these songs available myself.)"



The notice of this event on the FoE website includes this info which seems to have dropped off here:

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