Globalization History mp3

A radio - fication of "Global Haywire" - a movie by Bruce and Sam Petty - music by Paris Acid Reflux

Narrator: Tom Baker, voices: Silke Ackerman, Idi Amin, Suad Amiry, Rochi Avital, George Bush, Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, J.F. Kennedy, Rami Khouri, George Monbiot, Ronald Reagan, Arundhati Roy, Abdel Said, Armin Saikal, Prof Sarriek, Margaret Thatcher, Charles Tripp, Gore Vidal and more...

59:15 min 128 kbps stereo 54.4 MB


The key simile seems quite obvious, the so-called "freedom vehicle" appears to be a derivative of Nuclear era "spaceship Earth" concepts projected back into a Renaissance setting. Painted in the shrill retrofuturism that is so characteristic for generations whose outlooks on the future are obstructed by legacies of the past, it might nearly escape attention that most films scripted in that style would not openly explain their big picture references, making simile transparency a rare exception in the branch. Maybe some of those screenwriters have got something to leak?

Please watch the movie - freedom vehicle is a metaphor describing the finance system to generate wealth - with or without morality. It has nothing to do with humans. It is a mathematical formula for generating currency as debt with all it's disastrous implications we are so well aware of.
Get off the blaming game, investigate better !

Next show will clarify, why peak oil does NOT matter for this economy. Another misconception bred by blame gamers like Ron Paul, and other doom-prophets with their ignorance and poor understanding of the finance system.

"Every human who’s mentally capable is always able to be treasurer of their new currency."

File would not download ... can anyone help with this