Australian anti-war activist compromises perimiter security at British military HQ in London

Dec 29 - London CW's in Solidarity with Bradley Manning at Northwood HQ
( **8 of the 30 anti-war activists involved in this action in London are Australians living in, or visiting, London!)


LONDON-Catholic Worker Anti-War Resistance at Northwood HQ on the "Feast of Holy Innocents" (D29)


Catholic Workers from St Francis House/ Oxford, Farmhouse/ Rickmansworth
and Giuseppe Conlon House/ London communities were joined by 20 anti-war activists, in solidarity with the imprisoned Pfc Bradley Manning,
and in resistance to the continued war on Afghanistan, at the gates of Northwood HQ/ London on Wednesday morning Dec 29th.


The participants marked the Catholic "Feast of the Holy Innocents" while seeing the contemporary victims of imperial power as those marked for death as "collateral damage" in wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. The British components of these wars are directed from Northwood HQ, located in leafy London suburbia!

Largely ignored by the more mainstream Britiish anti-war organisations, the central war fighting role of Northwood HQ and has been addressed consistently, in word and NVDA deed, over the past decade by the Catholic Worker movement. Resistance actions have also been undertaken recently by "Justice Not Vengeance" and in the late 90's by "Reclaim the Streets" In recent years, the cashed up military have responded to such nonviolent resistance by redesigning the entrance to the base and remodelling the "Northwood Headquarters" sign. A sign that that has been regularly "enhanced" over the years by Catholic Workers staining it with red paint - symbolic of the Iraqi and Afghani blood spilt as the result of commands issued from Northwood HQ.

As a group of 20 gathered at Northwood tube station for a preliminary vigil and procession to the base, seven Catholic Workers arrived at the gates of Northwood. They were surprised to find the base sign had been removed in keeping with the military's growing awareness of the relationship between the liturgical calender and potential nonviolent resistance actions at the base! With the sign unavailable for redesign, the red paint was poured in the shape of a cross on the roadway leading into the base.

80 year old Quaker, former Britsh Army veteran and Palestinian solidarity (CPT) activist John Lyons, Sr. Susan Clarkson of the Oxford CW, London CW/ retired social worker Angela Broome, London CW/ community college teacher Henrietta Cullinan, London CW/ musician David Turley and Bristol university student activist Tim Saunders took up position blockading the entrance to the base. Veteran Catholic Worker/Plowshares activist Ciaron O'Reilly wearing a photo of imprisoned U.S. Pfc Bradley Manning spontaneously scaled the base fence, slowly negotiated his way through the razor wire and leapt in to the base.

The resistance group was joined by 20 anti-war activists who had processed to the base from Northwood tube station. This group included a combat veteran of the Iraq/Iran war of the '80's, a U.S. Air Force veteran, a former Trident 2000 plowshare prisoner, members of the Catholic Worker movement, Justice not Vengeance, Trident Ploughshares, Christian CND. Speak, as well as English, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Iranian, Polish, U.S., Swedish, Dutch, Brazilian paricipants.

This larger group formed an expanded blockade of the entrance ön the roadside and for the next 90 minutes respectfully read the names of Afghan and British war dead.
* British war dead in Afghanistan
* A list of some Afghan war dead

They were joined in the "Presente!" response; after each fatality was read out, by the six blockading the gate. O'Reilly maintained an inaccessible position inside the fence of the base for the next 90 minutes conversing with police, the combat veteran solider deployed to block any further advancement into the base and support people. An attempt by Tim Saunders to enter the base was thwarted by police. Tim was arrested taken to a police van, questioned and released rejoining the blockade line at the gate.

After 90 minutes O'Reilly made a speech from within the base, read out the statement of faith and surrendered to the military. He was taken by a soldier to the police within the base questioned and searched. The blockaders collectively read out the statement of faith and concluded their blockade. After some negotiating with the police, the demonstration temporarily withdrew and O'Reill was released. This was followed by a closing circle and transportation from the site to a debrief.

Full report, youtube, comments continued.....


DEMOTIX SLIDESHOW - (Hi Quality Photos,Youtubes) - D29 Catholic Worker NV Anti-War Resistance at Northwood HQ, London in Solidarity with Bradley Manning


- Interview with Ciaron O'Reilly after release from custody (46 secs)
- Speech, reading of the statement by Ciaron O'Reilly while on base side of the periimiter fence preceeding surrender to the military. (3 mins 27 secs)
- Line of activists blockading the entrance to the base (57 secs)
- General footage including the reading of the names of Afghan and British war dead.
(1 min 41 secs)
- Footage of procession from Vigil at Northwood tube station to Northwood HQ (49 secs)


- Interview with Ciaron O'Reilly after release from custody (46 secs)

- Speech, reading of the statement by Ciaron O'Reilly while on base
side of the periimiter fence preceeding surrender to the military. (3
mins 27 secs)

- Line of activists blockading the entrance to the base (57 secs)

- General footage including the reading of the names of Afghan and
British war dead.
(1 min 41 secs)

- Footage of procession from Vigil at Northwood tube station to
Northwood HQ (49 secs)

The 32nd annual Feast of the Holy Innocents Retreat and Witness at
STRATCOM was a low key affair by an measurement, never breaking the
double digit mark until our closing ceremony on Tuesday Dec 28th when
11 folks showed up.

It began with a reading of the Gospel of Matthew's Christmas narrative
at noon on Monday, Dec 27th at the main gate of Offutt AFB in Bellevue
NE, just south of Omaha. Offutt is the home of STRATCOM. The most
dangerous place on the planet.

After the reading of Matthew's Christmas narrative we got in our cars
and re- gathered in the basement of St John's Church on the campus of
Creighton University. We spent the next 22 hours renewing old
friendships, building links of solidarity and community with
each-other, telling stories of Christmases passed and reflecting on
the meaning of it all - in our personal lives and in the nation we
live. Meals were prepared by folks at the Omaha CW. Mass was
celebrated by Fr Jim Murphy on Tuesday a.m. in the basement chapel at
St John's right before we headed out to the base.

After Mass we returned the the main entrance of Offutt AFB for our
annual presence.

It was a simple, poignant, very humble, seemingly unnoticed presence.
Given the reality of what takes place at Offutt and the mission of
STRATCOM - our efforts surely felt pathetic. Not much different from
the impression the first Christmas made on world scene.

Yankton CWer Mike Sprong began with reading Mathew's Christmas story,
than sharing how this years Feast of Holy Innocents Witness marked the
30th Anniversary of his first act of civil disobedience by his
crossing the line at Offutt in this very spot on Dec 28, 1980. Mike
said he was one of the youngest people gathered at Offutt in 1980. He
was also the youngest person gathered this year at the base....

The whole effort at the gate took no more than 20 minutes, most of
which was captured in the two below video links.

8 1/2 min Video - Mike Sprong reading the Mathew Christmas Text, than
sharing how this years Feast of Holy Innocents witness at Offutt
marked the 30th Anniversary of his first act of civil disobedience by
crossing the line at Offutt on Dec 28, 1980. This clips ends with Fr
Jim Murphy's brief comments. Video by Mark Welsch - NFP Omaha
coordinator. :!/video/video.php?v=490360528489

7 min Video - Elaine Wells, Dagmar Hoxzie, Denny Davis share briefly
and close witness with singing Christmas carols. Video by Mark Welsch
- NFP Omaha coordinator. :!/video/video.php?v=490371988489

Link to 7 photos taken by Mark Welsch - NFP Omaha coordinator.!/photo.php?fbid=101500932624...

Australian Prime Minister has today (3/2/11 AUS
edt noon) on all TV networks delared that:-
It is VITAL that we...blah blah...finish the war
in Afghan... (said... not for the 1st time).

Now I can understand IMPORTANT, but Not "VITAL"
ie: "essentaial to life".

Why cannot you critisize her on this...?
The bloody local press seem hypnotised by her and
don't offer her any challenge.