Public Rally to Defend Wikileaks

Date and Time: 
Friday, December 10, 2010 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Contact Email:
Sydney Town Hall 483 George St Sydney, Australia

Truth-defenders! Sydney rally to support Wikileaks and Julian Assange! This is a pivotal moment for democracy and liberty in the West as the campaign to persecute Julian Assange and Wikileaks continues.



I understand the need to support wikileaks, but why Julian Assange? Please don't tell me you think this sexual assault charge is some sort of conspracy, that just undermines the truth whether on Julian's or the alledged victim. By all means support freedom of infomation but not under the cloud of conspiracies. By lumping Julian and Wikileaks together in this way you may end up destroying a fairly credible source for blocked infomation (although most I have come accross has been released before it was on wikileaks) if Julian is actually guilty, of which I have know idea and I don't think you do either, so please rally for freedom of info but not for a man who may or may not be innocent of charges that are held against him.

Oh come come now Anna, can anyone seriously say that the timings of the charges brought against Assange are not extremely convenient? I'm certainly no 'conspiracy theorist' and I consider sexual assault a very serious offence, but this case has already once been dropped by Sweden's chief prosecutor, Eva Finne. The arrest warrant was first issued around the time WikiLeaks was releasing the Afghan War Diaries, lasting only 24 hours before being dismissed. Finne stated that, "I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape". (source Al'Jazeera)

Now with the release of the 250,000 diplomatic cables, the charges seem to have suddenly re-appeared. Despite Assanges attempts to meet with the prosecution in Sweden numerous times to discuss the charges, he was either ignored or refused. Renowned feminist Naomi Wolf sarcastically praised Interpol for going on global manhunts after "men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating".

If this is to go to trial, I would be open minded to the evidence presented, but it would have to be pretty damn convincing. This whole ordeal reeks of an organised smear-job against Assange and by extension, WikiLeaks. Governments around the world are desperate to discredit the organisation and what better way to do it than calling its founder a 'rapist'.

While it is true that the issue of the rape charges are seperate from the other issues, the rape charges may allow Julian to be deported to the USA where he will likely face trial for Treason and possibly even the death penalty.
This is the sort of support we should be directly offering for Julian Assange.

The rape charges themselves are a nonsense. He is accused of rape for not wearing a condom during consentual sex? While that is stupid, it is not rape under any law I have ever heard of and should certainly not be illegal if it is.

Those details and the timing of the case show that this clearly politically motivated.
Julian is the core of wikileaks and the faith his contacts have in him allows Julian to obtain much of the leaked material.
If Julian is tried for treason it will be a huge blow to wikileaks and the freedom of speech on this planet.