AVAAZ signature campaign against the Wikileaks crackdown


Prime Minister
Julia Gillard
8th December 2010

Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister,

When you were elected you took an oath to represent and support Australia and its citizens.

I am dismayed therefore to see that you are prepared to relinquish the rights of Australian citizens for the sake of expediency.

I refer of course to Mr Assange, an Australian citizen. This seems to be David Hicks all over again but this time by the Labor Party. Something I did not expect considering the labor party have always been traditionally in favour of the rights of Australian citizens. Indeed the Corby case led me to believe that labor had a more supportive role in protecting the rights of Australians.

I am disappointed to see that this is not correct and political expediency to a nation who is a bully and rides roughshod over the rights of others is not a good example to follow or side with.

I believed you to have more integrity and, may I say, backbone than to stand cowardly behind a bully caught with his trousers down than stand up for the rights of the lone battler who is standing up to the bully whom almost everyone else is losing their integrity over. The fact that the lone battler has not actually done anything illegal in Australia is overlooked in the enthusiasm to side with the bully.

Breaching international laws against torture and killing innocent civilians. Holding unconvicted personnel in prisons outside their own territory so they can be tortured against the Geneva Convention. Illegal spying on UN personnel and disparaging other leading heads of state are all glossed over and apparently 'acceptable' while a lone aussie battler dares to point to the king and say he is wearing no cloths and recommendations are made that he should be 'assassinated'. For being a 'terrorist'?. What definition of terrorism is being used here. Standing up for ones rights? Exposing terrorist activities of the big bully in the playground?

I am extremely disappointed in you and your government and feel, like many Australians, betrayed and upset that you and your government would regard basic rights of Australians so dismissively.

Michael Moore
An Australian Citizen

love your comment. hope you sent it to canberra. Diet

I support Julian Assange and the Wikileaks site.

I am deeply concerned about the way our Government is treating Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, despite the fact that he is doing nothing more than what newspapers do in trying to keep the public informed. When will our politicians stop prostrating themselves to the dictates of the Americans. The whole thing smells very suspicious, and would seem to be a perfect opportunity for cracking down on internet freedom. Even with all the cyber-crime and dark places of abuse and pornography, the internet is still the closest ordinary people get to having comprehensive access to information to make informed decisions about that affect democracy everywhere.