Federal Election 2010: Who will stop the NT Intervention?

Date and Time: 
Monday, August 9, 2010 -
6:30pm to 7:30pm
Trades Hall, Carlton cnr Victoria and Lygon Streets Melbourne, Australia

During this election season, Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective invites you to join a panel discussion on the Northern Territory Intervention.

The Intervention was brought in by John Howard in his dying days as PM, and has been continued with vigour by the Labor Government under its Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin.

The NT Intervention has been a disaster for Aboriginal people. It has ripped away essential services ...and taken away jobs. It has forced Aboriginal people back into working for rations in the form of the ‘Basics Card’. It has banned Indigenous languages from being spoken in schools and furthered the assimilationist agenda. All outcomes associated with poverty have gotten worse.

Speakers will be talking about the NT Intervention. This will then be followed by a discussion on the campaign and how we can sweep these racist laws into the dustbin of history

Speakers TBA.
Will include representatives
from political parties, unions
and community groups.
Check Facebook for updates.

Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective (MAIC) meets
every Monday, 6:30pm at the New International Bookshop.
The bookshop is located in the basement of the Trades Hall
building located on the corner of Lygon and Victoria Streets
in South Carlton. All welcome!


Find us on Facebook:
‘Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective’



Update for speaking list:

Richard Di Natale - candidate for The Greens
Sharon Firebrace - candidate for Socialist Alliance and Indigenous rights activist
David Glanz - Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective

Plus a representative from the labor movement TBA