On sunday night fourteen forest activists walked into the Barnback Creek area in Tasmania's Weld Valley to protest continued logging of threatened old growth forests. At least one person is pole sitting locked on to forestry equipment.
"Huon Valley Environment Centre is calling for an immediate end to logging of high conservation value forests, urgent protection is vital. We are loosing critical endangered species habitat and forests of immense value," Huon Valley Environment Centre's Jenny Weber said.
"These high conservation value forests are being logged by Forestry Tasmania for woodchips to Gunns Ltd, whole logs to be exported to China and high quality saw logs to Ta Ann mill," Jenny Weber said.
"In this Federal Election we are advocating for the protection of Tasmania's native forests and threatened species, there is a real opportunity to reduce carbon emissions by protecting these carbon stores," Jenny Weber said in a media statement.
Images from July 5, 2010 Endangered species protest by Huon Environment Centre

Thanks to all the activists putting themselves on the line in the forests!