Kennon Auto Community Protest

Update: Kennon Auto dispute is now officially over. With the help of their union, broad trades hall support and Workers Solidarity Network the strike ended with total victory for the Kennon workers at 4:30 Monday afternoon. They were out for 19 days but after 7 full days of total blockade, nothing in or out, Kennon's sole buyer - Toyota - demanded that Kennon management end the dispute on any terms necessary. Not only did the workers win a return to all prior conditions but also secured a much needed pay rise.

Below is some info from the "Slack Bastard Blog" on the Kennon Auto dispute

The industrial dispute @ Kennon Auto Pty Ltd (32-46 Chifley Drive, Preston, VIC 3072: (03) 9474 0300), which began several weeks ago, has entered into a crucial stage, with production having stopped, stockpiles having been liquidated, and management now attempting to bring in new supplies (having already hired a large number of new, casual workers to replace those on strike) in order to meet contractual obligations with Toyota Australia. Today (Friday), management attempted to truck in new supplies, but the trucks were stopped by picketers — this despite the company having enlisted members of the Tactical Response Group (!) as well as having the otherwise unremarkable assistance of uniformed police.

Kennon is a former Nylex factory, and manufactures supplies for Toyota Australia. The Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA) has coverage at the factory, and has organised a campaign in support of striking workers (you can make a donation to the workers here). The company has recently undergone a change in ownership, and the new management is attempting to institute a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA), one which attacks existing pay and conditions. Further, workers at Kennon have not received a wage rise in almost three years (for moar infos, please see : Workers denied pay rise for three years, Ron Guy, Green Left Weekly, July 3, 2010).

The next few days would appear to be crucial ones in determining the outcome of the dispute, and management is again expected to try and bring in new supplies tomorrow morning. For this reason, members of the general community are being encouraged to join striking workers on the picket line"

More coverage of this issue can be found at

and at



Thanks for exposing the dispute on this website, the striking supporters need anyone bothered or ticked off about this dispute behind them, whether its visiting the picket line, talking about it to mates or telling the union or media.

I have an ongoing album of the picket which I'll add the link to here, I will soon add the link to some videos on there or here too :-)

Anna Maidstone

Slack Bastard on his blog reported the following - hope its true!

Word on the street is that the workers @ Kennon Auto have won their weeks-long dispute with management. The new EBA maintains the terms and conditions of the old EBA, and includes a 4% wage increase.

How about that eh?

I can absolutely confirm the Kennon Auto dispute is now officially over and everyone's going back to work tomorrow. The the help of their union, broad trades hall support and Workers Solidarity Network the strike ended with total victory for the Kennon workers at 4:30 Monday afternoon. They were out for 19 days but after 7 full days of total blockade, nothing in or out, Kennons sole buyer - Toyota - demanded that Kennon management end the dispute on any terms necessary. Not only did the workers win a return to all prior conditions but also secured a much needed pay rise.

Kennon NYLEX factories, and production and supply of Toyota Australia. Australian Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union reported in the factory, and has organized an event to support the striking workers. The company's recent change in ownership.