Protest BHP expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium mine

Contact Phone: 
0415 380 808
Date and Time: 
Thursday, October 29, 2009 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Contact Name: 
FOE anti-nuclear
180 Lonsdale Street Melbourne

This protest will coincided with BHP’s London annual general meeting, in solidarity with communities around the world affected by BHP’s mining activities, and to voice opposition to the proposed expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium mine



I was given a leaflet today and it would be good for both events to coordinate/cooperate somehow perhaps ?

main headlines of the text

Potest rally Thursday 29th October 2009 @ 12.00
@ State Library - cnr Swanston & Lonsdlae Street
Stop the racist NT intervention
NT intervention is Military Intervention is Marshall Law is Apartheid.
We want the racism to stop, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 to be reinstated, people's rights restored and a treaty with self-determining strategies employed.
Reinstate the RDA 1975 Today, No Tricks, No Special Conditions, No Caveats.