30 September 2012

John AVERY, the disbarred barrister
Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA


Based on Internet articles prepared by the ABC, The Mercury, and other Australian news disseminators, you have just been released from prison.

So international readers of this letter will have some information about your despicable barristerial behaviour which put you behind bars, this is what David Killick of The Mercury, 28 September 2012, wrote about you:

“Avery pleaded guilty in 2008 to 130 counts of stealing and dishonesty between December 2001 and March 2006. He admitted stealing more than $500,000 from his clients and his former law firm at Moonah to support his obsession with art and luxury. His victims included those who had won personal injury or workers’
compensation claims and a survivor of the 1964 HMAS Voyager disaster.”

And ABC News, 28 September 2012, reported this in a related report:

“Avery used more than $500,000 he stole from his clients and former law firm, to fund a lavish lifestyle which included buying expensive artwork and watches.... Avery told the Parole Board he was truly remorseful and had been on a course to assist with his addiction to acquiring artwork.”

Well, your alleged remorse is doubted – methinks you curse being caught. How many watches with unpronounceable Swiss-French names does a man of greed need? Of course people are now wondering if you have any regrets over your unethical behaviour re the innocent Martin Bryant.

He said many times he did not kill anyone at Port Arthur or at Seascape, and there is not a shred of hard evidence proving he did. You failed to conduct any significant investigations, but you took his artwork. And without his guardian being present, you persistently pressured this disturbed mentally-handicapped 10-year-old, IQ 66, then being broken in illegal solitary confinement, to plead guilty. Maybe you obtained another expen-sive watch by doing that. Martin, however, is now being slowly murdered at Risdon prison with the consent of Australian officials past and present.

But if you are remorseful, please let me know so that can be added to the section on you in my forthcoming book. If you fail to reply, it can only be interpreted to mean you are one of those murderous officials. Thank you.


Keith Allan NOBLE



Thanks for publishing things Australians will never hear/see in the mainstream media. If you would like a copy of a Media Release, which will be ignored by the mainstream media but which will appear in various places on the internet, just email me: Email/link/post it as you wish. The Martin Bryant case is the worst injustice that has ever been perpetrated in Australia. Thirty-five deaths, but NO coronial inquest, NO trial, and NO full and public inquiry. Martin, who has the intellectual age of a 10-year-old boy, was set up, misused and abused, then betrayed by the legal profession, then imprisoned for life by some POS who called himself Justice. There is not a shred of hard evidence that Martin planned and conducted the whole tragedy. He does not have the mental capacity. Evidence was faked and eye-witnesses have stated in writing that he was not the gunman and that he was elsewhere when the carnage commenced. It is a gross official cover-up. Martin Bryant is innocent. NOBLE

just because martin bryant had a dodgy lawyer doesn't mean he is innocent. what garbage this post is.

Years ago, a widely held belief of Australians was that a person was innocent until proven guilty in a (sound) court of law. Even back in the colonial days a convict alleged to have committed a crime received a trial. But today, people are banged up no worries mate. Courts and cops are most obliging. Anonymous above - no name or email address given - raises an illogical and silly point as if the case involving Martin Bryant was something trivial. Martin Bryant is innocent because he has never been tried in a (sound) court of law. As stated originally - there were thirty-five deaths, but NO coronial inquest, NO trial, and NO full and public inquiry. WHY? Martin, who has the intellectual age of a 10-year-old boy, was set up, misused and abused, then betrayed by the legal profession, then imprisoned for life by some POS who called himself Justice. And it was John Avery who pressured this boy to change his plea because Avery was, as he said, sensitive to the needs of the community. To get Martin to change his plea in 1996, this 10-year-old boy was illegally kept in solitary confinement and he was denied a personal guardian (required by law as per a 1994 court decision based on his mental incapacity; reference on request) and an ethical lawyer. Not only did Avery let all this happen he ensured it happened by not defending his client. Martin was told it was for his own good that he plead guilty. Martin has an IQ of 66. He had no adult comprehension of his circumstances before the incidents at Port Arthur and Seascape, and certainly none after. Nietzsche's words that all truths kept silent become poisonous very much appplies. The official narrative in the case of Matin Bryant is profoundly poisonous. And with people like anonymous it is easy to see why. Email for more info. NOBLE

Thanks Keith for making this public. I have only just begun to research the Port Arthur doesn't take long to figure out that Martin was set up to take the fall...I am absolutely grieved in my heart and spirit that such an act of betrayal has been perpetrated by our own 'leaders', not only against the Australian People, but especially against one of our most vulnerable. The very ones our leaders are meant to protect! To sell us out to the globalists and be party to their evil agenda is unthinkable. We have history to teach us how these psychopaths operate. Create the crisis with a false flag, and come in as saviour. Disarm the people. Keep the people afraid and dependant upon their 'protection'. >>> Government mafia.

Let it be known that God is a "Father to the Fatherless" and He says in Matthew 18:6 "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

What is done in darkness will be brought into the light. Their day in court awaits them. But they will not be able to bribe this Judge.

My prayer is firstly for Martin...that he would know that he is loved beyond measure and that he is beautiful.
....and secondly for our government that there would be a heart felt turn around...that they would rightly fear God and not man.


Anyone that thinks Martin Bryant is innocent is deluded or ignorant


Argue your case or I will delete you. - An editor

Thank you anonymous (09/04/2013). A troubled person with a conscience in Tasmania has supplied me with copies of all the Witness Statements. The statements that never were presented during a trial, because there was no trial for the innocent Martin Bryant - the 36th murder victim, now being tortured to death at Risdon Prison in Tasmania. There are bombshells within these statements that completely negate the official narrative and which confirm the MASS MURDER at and near Port Arthur in April 1996 was premeditated, planned, and perpetrated by officials. I am looking at statements (all have DPP COPY in capitals on every page - most of the statements were given in TAS, others are from NSW, SA, VIC, Singapore, South Africa, USA) in which bodies and vehicles disappear. In one statement, an employee of the Port Arthur Historic Site clearly identifies another yellow Volvo driving on the site after a gunman* had done the killing at the café and bus parking area, then driven away in a yellow Volvo. After murdering his wife and his two children, the State has misused the poor gullible Walter Mikac - he has no comprehension of what really happened. Here are some words from one statement: "On the morning the 22 April 1996, Mr and Mrs Robbie and Helene SALZMAN and Jim POLLARD arrived at our house...." (sic) Remember those people and watch out for the details related to what happened to them at the tollbooth. Witnesses make unambiguous statements that the murderer was NOT Martin Bryant. It is all revealed in detail with names in the forthcoming free book - MASS MURDER: Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia. Please contact me if you have any case-related information, and please spread the word. Thanks. KEITH ALLAN NOBLE (* the second gunman is living in Tasmania)

I remember noticing defence issue weapons, and a male figure in the background far from ABC camera and reporters seem to be monitoring the scene, but not interacting with other police etc. My gut tells me tis all wrong. Why Tassie? Why not Sydney/Melbourne. A meeting took place in London prior to this massacre, discussed among other issues was the thesis, that, the threat to global control of sovereign nations, would come from within (words relayed by a serving AFP officer) and there was an urgent need to address weapons in private ownership. Where did a simpleton from Tassie get access to such weaponry ?

If you think this man is innocent you are a cock-juggling thundercunt.

Perhaps people should read the book before making comment. I to belived the government/media narrative before reading the book, now all i can say is WOW!!! A full independant inquiry needs to be enacted ASAP.

It needs to go back to court as should all convicted case done by Avery

Upon research, Martin Bryant is not sorry for what has happened, and ever aspect of his early life does point out that he was a cold hearted person

The tragic events at Port Arthur, Tasmania, has to be the worst mass murder committed in the entire history of Australia, and yet, the authorities still refuse to re open the case and allow an independant investigation to take place, in order to establish the facts.

It is beyond belief that such a massive case, was allowed to be closed in a hurry, without a thorough and lengthy investigation, let alone a court case, where these facts could have been presented, allowing a jury to form an opinion about the guild or not of Martin Bryant.

The question begging answer here is, what are the authorities affraid off from such an investigation?

The ugly truth perhaps?