Australia a nation of drug dealers & drugged victims

The average Australian sells 13 bottles of wine a week . . .

The average Australian sells 2 litre's of beer a week . . .

The average Australian sells 2 litre's of spirits a week . . .

The average Australian sells 3 packages of illegal drugs a week . . .

9,330,000 Australians commit people into the fraudulent mental health system & the victims are forced to take psychosomatic drugs for their entire life manufactured by pharmaceutical companies & their representatives . . .

20% of Australians purchase cigarettes from legal outlets . . .

From these figures we see that Australia is a country of drug dealers & alot of victims & note we should not call victims addicts for they are victims of a nation which profits from the distribution of drugs . . .

Notice how much attention drugs get in the media both legal & illegal.

Scientology is demonized for criticizing the fraudulent mental health system & the drugs they forcibly administer to people for their entire life.

We can not simply label this as recreational drug use for we can not afford to, drugs harm. So why does a nation engage in the distribution of drugs only to do harm.



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