More police powers are needed to stop people driving cars

More police powers are needed to stop people driving cars, currently if a car is speeding the police have the right to pull the car over, also random breath tests give the police the right to pull a car over. However the police should have the right to pull a car over to ask some basic questions like what do you do for work & this information should be passed on to the bureau of statistics, the government has the right to know what its citizens do for work & this applies to people who drive cars all over Australia.


Not just cars - police should have the right to pull over people on bicycles, kid's scooters, prams, shopping trolleys, and skate-boarders. Not only should they ask the usual questions for the beuraucrats about what they are doing, but they should ask what are they dreaming of, how their sexlife is like, and what kind of junkfood they have not consumed yet. The rest of data can be already found by Asio's resourceful hackers. We are still not "co-operative" enough for these public servant's important work.
I don't feel safe yet.