SCHAPELLE CORBY IS INNOCENT – PART 7 – today’s interview with Allan Kessing – an eye opener!
by Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - January 11th, 2014 - At the conclusion of this short article you will have the opportunity to listen to an interview that will disturb you and which should make you angry. Anyone of us could be the next Schapelle Corby – an innocent person who our Government and our prized institutions have stranded in a hell that no-one deserves.
When I first began to inquire and report on Ms Corby’s predicament I wrote, “The story of Ms Corby threatens to draw attention to myriad layers of corruption – corruption of process, Government corruption, corruption within our airports and within Customs. A royal commission should be held into the Australian Government’s conduct in all matters relating to Schapelle Corby.”
I have now dug so deep into finding out the truth that the paragraph you just read can no longer capture the despicability of a human life thrown to the wolves, her reputation pilloried at every turn, and her survival, as she barely clings to sanity and life, clawed from resilience borne of the love of those around her, themselves much pilloried. I thought I had seen it all when our Government lied again and again to my face about the Indonesian children we found in Australian adult prisons, and ran from culpability and every decent value as we campaigned for two years to have these children freed. Well, I had not seen it all. What has occurred to the Corby family is akin to the tragedy that befell the family of Azaria Chamberlain.
The national consciousness needs to know the truth, and Ms Corby must be freed, no stone unturned, and every form of restitution met. It took me near a year to win over a majority of the Australian media to begin helping the Indonesian children, and it is now time the Australian media scrubs up and does the job for Ms Corby but also for our collective heart and soul.
Allan Kessing is a former senior customs officer who was appointed to review and report on security of traffic within airport services at Sydney Airport. He produced two reports detailing extensive corruption at airport services – these reports were submitted in 2002 and 2003. Schapelle Corby’s flight to Bali from Brisbane via Sydney was on October 8, 2004.
Mr Kessing said “the reports were suppressed” and that nothing was done about his findings.
When the reports were leaked by someone else several months after Ms Corby’s arrest, Mr Kessing was extraordinarily prosecuted for “passing information” – he was charged for whistleblowing. The reports were never presented to Ms Corby’s legal team.
Mr Kessing’s reports have been supported by other independent reports – The Wheeler Report and also by the global intelligence gathering agency, Stratfor. I have referred to these in previous articles.
Importantly, Mr Kessing said that in his long experience as a customs officer he had never heard of any instance of any attempt to traffic cannabis out of Australia. He said it makes no sense for anyone to traffic cannabis to Indonesia where it will sell at a very much lower value. He made an analogy that “it would be like exporting coal to Newcastle.”
He said that cannabis is moved around Australia via our airports.
Mr Kessing said that corruption at airports throughout Australia has not been reduced and will only continue to increase.
He said that the corruption is being withheld from the public interest.
My interview with Mr Kessing is an eye opener, and it is a must listen. On this occasion, rather than I write more please instead listen to the audio interview with the former senior customs officer whose findings should be soundly carried by every news media format in this nation.
“Truth is no defence,” said Mr Kessing.
SCHAPELLE CORBY IS INNOCENT – PART 5 – the evidence of her innocence is overwhelming but Government stays silent
by Gerry Georgatos
January 9th, 2014
Despite the issue of jurisdiction, It is beyond comprehension why the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Government and the Australian mainstream news media have not inquired further into the arrest of Schapelle Corby. With all the insurmountable evidence demonstrating her obvious innocence we have to wonder why our highest offices have sat idly by and disgracefully silent while Ms Corby ruminates into near madness and abhorrent despair.
There now exists an extensive body of evidence that comprehensively demonstrated Ms Corby is indeed innocent. We have what bring about anyone’s innocence, an admission of guilt by another party. However in the case of Ms Corby this did not seem to matter, and still does not. This scandalous question is yet to properly aired and answered by our Government and its institutions and by the majority of our news media.
The public admission of guilt from William Moss, of his involvement in what should have been the collection of the cannabis planted in Ms Corby’s bag should have been enough evidence to secure Ms Corby’s freedom. His testimony should have been enough for the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crimes Commission to fully investigate and provide reports to the Indonesian authorities. Mr Moss’ testimony should have been enough for the Australian Government to rise to the occasion and push for all forms of various natural justice on behalf of Ms Corby. But none of them have.
It is the Australian Government’s poor conduct with matters relating to Ms Corby that indict a corrupted political system, in that they did not do everything they should have done, not just in terms of the natural and legal rights of Ms Corby, an Australian citizen, but also in terms of the presumed proprieties of justice as a be-all end-all. The presumption that the Indonesian Government and Indonesian criminal justice system would not have engaged with evidence from the Australian Government and its agencies is a myth implicitly propagated by the Australian Government. The Indonesian authorities would have received evidence and reports from the Australian Government. The report they wanted most, was the one where the Australian Government would admit he extensiveness of corruption within Australian airport services – and that the Australian Government would commit to doing more to reduce the corruption that leads to the high volume of illicit drugs trafficked from or via Australia to Indonesia. But the Australian Government was not honourable enough in order to do this. And in not doing this, the Australian Government stranded Ms Corby and destroyed Ms Corby’s life.
Mr Moss admitted he had intended to collect the 4.1 kilograms of cannabis planted in Ms Corby’s luggage. He was to collect it from a corrupted Sydney Domestic airport luggage handler. We have minutes of a meeting leaked from a NSW Crimes Corruption project team – the Gymea Team – where it is minuted that there exists a secret police recording of Ms Moss and an associate of a Sydney crime gang run by a former police officer – who is now incarcerated – confirming the intended collection of the cannabis and its distribution on Sydney streets by this crime gang.
The minutes, leaked, from a meeting of a NSW Crimes Commission project team – known as the Gymea Team, are reproduced below with some names not connected to Ms Corby redacted.
The minutes can be viewed at:
We have a former senior customs investigator, Allan Kessing, who was commissioned a few years before the arrest of Ms Corby to investigate and report on the fact of corruption at Australian airport services. His report was damning but sat idle. Less than a year after Ms Corby’s arrest, Mr Kessing leaked the report to the media in order to confirm the endemic and rampant corruption at Australian airports – where corrupted baggage handlers selected passengers as unwitting drug mules.
Listen to this interview with Allan Kessing here.
This evidence is merely the tip of the iceberg, but this evidence alone clears Ms Corby of any presumption of guilt. The cannabis did not belong to Ms Corby, she did not know that there was cannabis in her boogie board bag – the only bag on that fateful October 8 flight that was not scanned through the airports scanning systems. This in itself is clearly a suggestive indictment of what appears to have occurred on that day.
A former head of an Australian Federal Police anti-organised crime operation, Ray Cooper, has long revealed that it was well known among his colleagues that passengers were being used as mules by corrupted airport baggage handlers to move cannabis around Australia.
With all this, and much, much more, why did the Australian Government and the Australian Federal Police let down an Australian citizen, let down Ms Corby? Why didn’t the Australian Government do its best to bring to the fore the truth about the state of affairs within Australian airports – the corruption, the movement of cannabis and of other illicit drugs through our airports? National security, geopolitical relationships, respect for sovereignty in terms of jurisdiction and other nonsense have been much bandied around, but all this as arguments to deny someone the full suite of their natural and legal rights, to respect their human worth and dignity, are immoral and impropriety – deplorable cowardice in the very least.
With all this, why then have some of the Australian mainstream news media gone on an unrelenting bent to perceptually modify the truth about Ms Corby and in fact play a huge role in destroying the reputation of this person and of those around her? In investigative journalism all that should matter is the truth and only as relevant to the facts of the matters at hand. Instead we have seen the worst of journalism, or that which purports as journalism, and a huge hatchet job has been done on Ms Corby, at the expense of her very person and mental wellbeing. Cheap, sensationalist, shockingly speculative commentaries and opinion pieces, destroying the heart and soul of a human being, reducing the human worth of this person to the domain of crude and rudimentary public opinion.
The NSW Crimes Commission failed in its sworn duty to stand up and do what is right, what is good, what is honourable and indeed what this body of all people are about. In failing to inform Ms Corby’s defence team of the fact of a secret recording between Ms Moss and the associate of the crime gang the cannabis was intended for, the NSW Crimes Commission not only failed Ms Corby but indeed failed every Australian citizen. They have damaged our trust in them. Seven years after the arrest of Ms Corby on that fateful October 8, 2004, one of their most senior anti-drugs investigators, Mark Standen was sentenced to 20 years in jail for drug trafficking. Mr Standen was a former Associate Director of the NSW Crimes Commission.
Mr Standen coordinated Operation Mocha, which purported to seek out corruption at Australian airports. On October 8, 2004, Operation Mocha was underway at Sydney Domestic Airport – they were watching customs officers and airport baggage handlers. But someone tipped off the corrupted airport personnel and hence spooked the corrupted airport baggage handler did not dare retrieve the cannabis in Ms Corby’s bag which had been planted at Brisbane Airport by a corrupted airport baggage handler. Tragically for Ms Corby the cannabis continued on to Bali and when found in her bag by Denpassar customs officials would then go on to destroy the life of the young Ms Corby.
Our highest police services failed Ms Corby – the NSW Crimes Commission, the Australian Federal Police – it would be unfair and a reduction of the truth and of bona fide fair comment to suggest they did not fail her. They continue to fail her. Unless they up the ante and produce all the facts, put on the public record their own internal inquiries, produce the secret recording, and turn up alongside the Australian Government to Bali and to their Indonesian counterparts and seek the release of Ms Corby then they are what they are at this time what they have been since the arrest of Ms Corby but more so since the Allan Kessing report and since the admission by William Moss – they are less than nothing.
I have retraced most of what a previous research team has already done in seeking out the truth of what may or may not have occurred regarding the arrest of Ms Corby and all that would follow. A team of researchers now known as the Expendable Project have compiled the most meticulous dossier – a public dossier – on what did occur. The evidence is overwhelming – and for goodness sake we have admissions of guilt, we have names, we have whistleblowers – but the NSW Crimes Commission, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Government have not adequately responded, choosing to waffle, deflect, shut up shop. They have continued to let Ms Corby languish, suicidal and broken, in Kerobokan Prison.
The Expendable Project produced an eye opening documentary – Expendable, The Political Sacrifice of Schapelle Corby – but which has never been screened on Australian television or in our cinemas. However less robust documentaries, speculative works, are getting a shot into the light of day. The meticulous work compiled by the Expendable Project proves Ms Corby’s innocence beyond any reasonable doubt yet the Expendable Project struggles to find the light of day. Why? A Royal Commission is long overdue – more so to inquire into the systemic failures that have seen Ms Corby incarcerated and vilified. These systemic failures are worse than those systemic failures that led to the tragedy which befell the family of Azaria Chamberlain. In the case of the Chamberlains, the Government, and the highest offices of our police authorities did not withhold evidence and other vital knowledge as occurred with Ms Corby.
Some of what is wrong with our Government can be found by reading The Expendable Project’s Crime Report here.
These are the responses from our nation’s highest officers: (view the following by going to
Former Attorney-General – Nicola Roxon
From The Australian Crime Commission
From the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Tony Negus
From the former Minister of Home Affairs and Justice, Jason Clare
From the Queensland Police Service
From the NSW Police Commissioner, Andrew Scipone
Ms Corby has been treated by the Australian Government as if she is expendable, just as were the Indonesian children I came across in Australian adult prisons, many of whom we have since freed. I have learned first-hand that Australian Government and our highest officers, including the Prime Minister, lie. They lied straight to my face about the Indonesian children. Right to the end they lied, even when we cornered them into releasing the children, they lied, refusing to accept culpability – playing word games, muffling the truth.
It is time the Australian Government began in sincerity its duty to Schapelle Corby – in that they commit to her release from prison, even if it means owning up to their own horrid mistakes, to shameful conduct, to various complicity, to the fact that the 4.1 kilos of marijuana were probably planted in Ms Corby’s luggage by corrupted individuals – within transit – within Customs. In recent times, Australian Customs officers have been exposed as the middlepersons in drugs trafficking.
Earlier this year, I went on air and exposed the conversations I know from various sources at both ends – Indonesian and Australian – in that Australia’s Foreign Affairs department was trying to engineer a deal with Indonesia that the Indonesian minors languishing in our adult prisons could be released if Ms Corby is released. Tit for tat, but tit-for-tat is a dangerous game. I know that there are Government officials who believe without reservation that Ms Corby is innocent. In believing this they have a duty to do more than the next to nothing they have embarrassed themselves with so far having smashed their moral compass. They should stand up in the best interests of an Australian citizen overseas. The Indonesian Government was working vehemently behind the scenes in advocating for the release of their children from Australia’s adult prisons. I know this because I was helping them.
Just prior to Christmas, Ms Corby’s sentence was reduced by two months as part of Indonesia’s annual remissions charter.
Indonesian Justice spokesperson, Ika Yusanti said that the remission was as a result of Ms Corby’s “good behaviour.”
In August, an Indonesian Corrections Board recommended Ms Corby for early release from Kerobokan prison, but the process has since been mired in bureaucratic ramblings.
The ABC’s 7:30 Report earlier this year, including my own whistleblowing on the fact that Australia discussed a people swap deal – Schapelle Corby for the Indonesian minors.
The ABC’s 7:30 Report -
On ABC 24 discussing Australia’s incarceration of Indonesian children in adult prisons.
ABC 24 - Indonesian children in adult prisons -
The story of Ms Corby threatens to draw attention to myriad layers of corruption – corruption of process, Government corruption, corruption within our airports and within Customs.
On that fateful October day in 2004, Ms Corby travelled from Brisbane airport to Sydney Domestic linking to Sydney International and onward to Bali. She went through three Australian airports, with more than 800 cameras, but when it came to her trial, despite her pleas for CCTV footage to be produced on her movements and of her luggage in transit, and of the airport baggage handlers, no CCTV footage was produced. You would think the CCTV footage would be crucial. Her boogie board bag should have been assessed even from CCTV footage – and there would have been myriad random clips of footage.
Airport handlers had sought to select a ‘mule’. The ‘mule’ on this occasion would be Ms Corby. Her boogie board bag was ideal – 4.1 kilograms of cannabis could be easily slipped in and then at the intended destination the cannabis could be just as easily slipped out. The origin of the cannabis was South America. Ms Corby would have never been the wiser, like so many others.
It was slipped into her bag at Brisbane airport by an airport luggage handler. It was to be collected in Sydney for distribution through a local crime gang well known to police, one of them a corrupted ex-police officer. That corrupt ex-police officer, Christopher John Laycock. In 2005, Mr Laycock was the subject of a Police Integrity Commission report, and in 2012 he was finally imprisoned. A closed court imprisoned him for four years – another disgraced police officer caught out. We are yet to know the reasons for his reduced sentence, they are yet to be released into the domain of the public interest, but the reasons are obvious.
The Expendable Project team know who the corrupted airport baggage handler was at Brisbane Airport who planted the cannabis – but no-one other than the researchers at Expendable seem to want to follow through. Why?
“I was meant to pick up those drugs from the airport,” said former criminal William Moss. Mr Moss made this statement seven years ago, and he has stuck to this line.
“There was no intention for the drugs to go to Bali. That’s it, the drugs were never intended to go to Bali.”
Why would they be transported to Bali when they could get their sellers up to ten times the value on the streets of any Australian city?
Mr Moss said that several passengers on flight AO 7829 were unaware that corrupted baggage handlers at Brisbane Domestic airport planted cannabis in their luggage – bound for Sydney.
Last year, WikiLeaks began publishing ‘The Global Intelligence Files’ – over five million emails – from the Texan-based global intelligence analytic giant Stratfor. Stratfor is as huge as they get, providing confidential intelligence to Governments and the world’s most powerful corporations – including to monoliths likes the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. Stratfor’s success is built purely on the accuracy of their intelligence information.
A Stratfor email from one of its intelligence tactical analysts, Marko Primorac is an eye opener for the general public when it comes to an independent assessment of airport services in Australia and of Ms Corby. Mr Primorac’s investigations covered smuggling globally – from heroin to cannabis.
Mr Primorac stated, “Moving marijuana through international borders is big business.” Right throughout his report he confirms that random passengers’ luggage are picked out and illicit drugs planted and therefore the passengers become ‘drug mules’. This practice is the predominant means of drug trafficking through airports.
In reference to Ms Corby he stated, “Several baggage agents can work together to ensure packages are placed in an unsuspecting mule’s luggage. These smuggling teams place packages in luggage belonging to uninvolved passengers like Schapelle Corby, who didn’t even know the marijuana was in her bag. Unscrupulous? Yes. However, this is how millions of pounds of marijuana get shipped in the US and the around the globe. It’s bad news if the unwitting mule gets jail time if the pot is intercepted, as it was in Schapelle Corby’s case or if the mule figures out what’s going on and keeps the goods.”
For a more comprehensive understanding on the disturbing nature of drugs trafficking around the world you can read the WikiLeaks-released Stratfor cable in its entirety here.
Australian psychiatrist Dr Jonathon Phillips visited Ms Corby. “It is impossible to properly articulate the trauma and suffering Schapelle Corby has endured. The turmoil has been such that it has rendered her mentally ill and at serious risk of short term death.”
“Schapelle has remained strong for so long, holding on day after day in hope and belief that justice and truth would prevail. Bewildered, confused, but keeping faith in humanity and clinging desperately to past memories and the love of her family. But year after year it has become harder and harder, as her mental strength has been worn down,” said Dr Phillips.
Dr Phillips credentials are impeccable, and his independence unquestionable. He has been an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales and at James Cook University and a clinical Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide. He is a past chairperson of the Medical Specialist Review Council, past chairperson of the Committee of Presidents of Australian Medical Colleges and a former president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and has been a consultant to the World Health Organisation.
Injustice cannot be let lie, because next time it could be you or someone you love. If we get it right for Ms Corby, we may well get it right for everyone.
Other reading/viewing:
Minister Christopher Ellison on a proposed prisoner transfer deal – SMH, May 25, 2005
Minister Christopher Ellison interviewed by the ABC, July 20, 2005
Kevin Rudd gives Schapelle a raw deal – Herald Sun, August 27, 2009
Downer calls for calm over Corby case – SMH, June 5, 2005
Eye-opening viewing – Expendable, the political sacrifice of Schapelle Corby -
SCHAPELLE CORBY IS INNOCENT - PART 6 – today’s interview with William Moss
by Gerry Georgatos
January 11th, 2014
William Moss, a repentant former criminal, has admitted he was to collect the cannabis from Sydney Domestic airport – but as I have written in previous articles the cannabis was not retrieved by airport luggage handlers on that fateful day of October 8, 2004 at Sydney Domestic after being planted in Ms Corby’s boogie board bag by a corrupted airport luggage handler at Brisbane Airport. Operation Mocha was underway at Sydney Domestic on that day – ‘secret’ surveillance on luggage handlers and customs officers. The corrupted personnel were tipped off and hence spooked they did not dare retrieve the cannabis.
With the admission that Mr Moss made, that the cannabis was intended for him to collect and was never intended for Bali nor that Ms Corby had any knowledge of it, one would think Ms Corby would have been released or that the Australian Government and all our relevant authorities would have presented a case for her release. But Mr Moss’ testimony appears to not have made even a dent.
The first part of my interview with Mr Moss earlier today – here:
Instead of the cannabis illegally sold on the streets of Sydney at premium prices it finished up at Denpasar Airport and so began Ms Corby’s nightmare. Without a honest Australian Government voice – with the truth at hand at all times – Ms Corby stood no chance against Indonesia’s zero tolerance policies on possession of illicit drugs. The Australian Government sat relatively idle and quiet on the truth of the state of affairs in Australian airport services.
If everything that is known about Ms Corby’s case had been presented to an Australian court she would be free – she would have been found not guilty. However the Australian Government’s lazy bent is that Ms Corby is in an Indonesian jurisdiction. Similarly so the Australian Federal Police have failed to properly move on matters relating to Ms Corby, such as the admission of guilt by Mr Moss, because once again the line is that Ms Corby is in an Indonesian jurisdiction. But all this is bullshit because the Australian Federal Police and their Indonesian counterparts work ever so closely, and much more could have been done. Similarly so the Australian Government could have secured justice for Ms Corby.
Watch this interview with Mr Moss here: – it is disturbing that we know what happened but sadly a different message is being sold to the Australian people about Ms Corby and her family.
“The drugs were never meant for Bali,” Mr Moss.
“As I have said many times, criminals do not come forward and give themselves up, but this idiot has.”
Mr Moss came clean in July 2005 in terms of his role with the cannabis in Ms Corby’s boogie board bag. This testimony should have invigorated the Australian Federal Police and the various Crimes Commissions, particularly the NSW Crimes Commission to find out, corroborate and publicly report on whether Ms Corby was an unwitting drug mule or not, and report on the extent of airport services corruption – in the public interest. The news media reported Ms Moss’ claims on July 27 but immediately set upon him, savaging his claims.
Some of Mr Moss’ closing comments during our interview earlier today – here.
Without an independent royal commission into the mishandling of Ms Corby’s predicament the vast cast of aspersions continue to stain the Australian consciousness – and torture an obviously innocent woman.
Part 6 can be read here:

Listen to the 2UE interview on Schapelle
Is Schapelle innocent?