Rape and torture on Manus Island detention centre: whistleblower

24 Jul 2013, 7:11 am Source: Mark Davis, Dateline

A whistleblower who worked at the Manus Island refugee detention centre in Papua New Guinea has spoken out, condemning it as not even fit to 'serve as a dog kennel'.



A whistleblower who worked at the Manus Island refugee detention centre in Papua New Guinea has spoken out, condemning it as not even fit to “serve as a dog kennel”.

The former Head of Occupational Health and Safety, Rod St George, made a series of disturbing allegations about conditions at the Australian-run centre in an exclusive interview with Dateline on SBS ONE.

“I’ve never seen human beings so destitute, so helpless and so hopeless before,” he told reporter Mark Davis, as he described repeated instances of rape and sexual abuse between asylum seekers with the full knowledge of staff.

“We might separate people in those circumstances on the mainland, but there aren’t any facilities at Manus to do that, so these people who have been assaulted are forced to remain back in the tent,” he said.

“We talk about this as an island that’s 700 kilometres north of Port Moresby… [but] if you knew there were people next door being raped and you said nothing, you’d be complicit.”

St George also described how detainee ‘heavies’ forced other asylum seekers to sew their lips together, and he detailed how one man had an ear drum perforated when he was tortured by other detainees.

And he claimed that acts of self-harm and attempted suicides are occurring “almost daily” among asylum seekers waiting months for their asylum applications to be processed.

“In Australia, the facility couldn’t even serve as a dog kennel. The owners would be jailed,” he told Dateline. “I felt ashamed to be Australian.”

St George resigned from his role after just a month.

The allegations come as the Australian Government announces all asylum seekers arriving by boat will be processed and resettled in Papua New Guinea, with the Manus Island centre to be expanded.

Dateline put the allegations to recently appointed Immigration Minister Tony Burke, who revealed it’s the first time he’d heard the most serious claims.

“I need to hear the very specific allegations, I need to make sure they’re properly investigated,” he told Mark. “If the implementation of different policies needs to be reviewed as a matter of that, then that needs to occur.”

Mr Burke asked to be put in touch with Rod St George to hear further details.

Dateline's latest revelations follow Mark’s disturbing story two months ago about life at Manus Island, when Australian officials at the detention centre went to great lengths to stop him filming.

Watch Mark's whistleblower exclusive above, and read more on the Dateline website.

Your Comments

Terry - from Williamtown, 2 hours ago

What a bloody joke this government is! The Labor Party is completely, wholey and soley responsible for this mess. In the last few months of Gillard's reign she didn't give a rat's about how many people were turning up or dying on our shores. She was way too busy knittting. Now we have this meglomaniac Kevvy trying to brainwash voters. These are really serious issues and Australia is becoming a joke globally. Blokes on boats turning up with " Fear For Your Wife" T-shirts on. WTH????

Agree 5
Disagree 0

Boat people to blame!

True Blue OZZIE - from queensland, 2 hours ago

Australian's are not to blame for anything "the illegal boat chose"to do! They alone are totally responsible for their choices and actions, destroying Australia's building's supplied by tax payers money, and using self harm etc as a black mail tool to get want they won't. In fact these tototally irresponsible criminal acts will never bring sympathy or respect from Australian's. In fact the "illegal boat peoples" actions are only serving to turn our country into a racist place.

Agree 1
Disagree 3

Necessary measures

Brian - from Mel, 3 hours ago

This is exactly why these people need to be detained. If this is the sort of behaviour that they deem is acceptable, they have no place in Australia.

Agree 2
Disagree 2

Our leaders are a joke

Brett - from Melbourne, 8 hours ago

This story is testament to an entire Government of useless politicians who are more interested in themselves than those of all Australians. Why does the Government ban the use of cameras in our detention centres? Because they do not want people to know the truth. I want transparency with this useless self interested Government.

Agree 4
Disagree 0

Send back the culprits at Manus Island

Suzie - from Maylands, 9 hours ago

I can't believe the government did not take steps to remove the perpetrators and return them to where they came from. Why would such people be allowed to live in Australia. You bring them in Australia and they will be causing havoc here. Why do people throw away their documents when they are genuine refugees. This very act looks dodgy to me. They want to make it hard for the intelligence officers to track their background.

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The Pacific Solution

Leon - from Perth, 10 hours ago

One of our visionary leaders once coined this the Pacific Solution..

Agree 0
Disagree 0

Something very wrong

Paivi - from Ringwood, 10 hours ago

This is a wake up call for all Australians; do you want to be guilty of exposing people to a danger, torture and neglect your duty of care to these fellow human beings? We are all responsible of the faith of the people in Australia's detention centres. Ignorance is no defense.

Agree 1
Disagree 1


joy - from mitcham vic., 10 hours ago

what a disgrace from both sides, juggling for the poplist vote.hang your head's in shame kr and ta.. the green vote is on now.

Agree 1
Disagree 0

Concentration Camp

Robert S McCormick - from Bridgewater, Adelaide, 11 hours ago

Tonight's revelations about the Concentration Camp on Manus Island, PNG, which we have no reason to think are anything but true, is under the control of Australia's Immigration Department & The ALP Federal Government of Australia. There is little to choose between what these Australians are permitting to take place there and what Josef Goebbels & Hitler's Nazis did to tens of millions of other innocents. The sole difference is the scale of the atrocity. Rudd MUST be held 100% Responsible.

Agree 0
Disagree 0


Linda - from Colo Vale, 11 hours ago

Shameful Australia shameful......

Agree - 12
Disagree - 62


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So who is doing the raping and torture? It's the boat people themselves, right? How can anyone with a brain blame the Australian Government for this dispicable behaviour? Are these the kind of people Australia really needs in within society? Imagine the outrage if these people were Australian citizens? Charge them with the appropriate offenses, sentenced them to prison for a long time, then send them back where they came from.

You, of course, would keep your sanity and heroically bear all the pain a cruel policy inflicted on you, you would not resist, you would keep your humanity. Brave you!

It's callous, unfeeling, uninformed people like you whose votes the pollies are harvesting by trumping each other in cruelty.

I recommend you read 'Refugees stretched on token racks' at http://www.smh.com.au/comment/refugees-stretched-on-token-racks-20130726....

You will find there the sentence, “One way or another, since 1788 a part of the population has worried about being overrun by foreigners.” This is not about stopping drownings, this is about Anglo-Celtic Australians not being able to cope with "otherness".

Cowering, hard-hearted little country, contributing to making people refugees in the first place, shirking its share of the burden of protecting them - see https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/refugees/the-day-australia-closed-the....

Funny how it's always the Anglo-Celtic Australians at fault. Give me a break!!!! There are many Aussies living in dire circumstances and the majority of them don't rape or torture others. Why don't those oil-wealthy countries help the boat people???? It's obvious by comments such as yours that reverse-racism is on the rise. By the way, my family obeyed the laws of this country and waited waited in line, without raping or torturing anyone, before they were allowed to migrate to this country.