4/20 Cannabis Rally Melbourne

Date and Time: 
Friday, April 20, 2012 -
3:00pm to 6:30pm
Flagstaff Gardens , 309 - 311 William St

April 20 is our day... It's cannabis day, a day to celebrate the spliff, glory in the ganja and revel in the heady aroma of freedom... to be. Change is in the air people, let's celebrate!



Drugs are bad for you


ill be there .... do i bring my own bud or will there be bud there

Sorry, I can't make it today but will be with you in spirit. Just a note for those who portray cannabis users as hopeless, unmotivated and dumb, the reason I can't be there is that I will be sitting a final year law exam for my future career as a lawyer.
I need to post anonomously, as my preference for cannabis over alcohol means that I can be barred from practice under current laws.
Time to get real and end prohibition!

sounds like an american tradition.. when are (Australia) we gonna start leading the way with intelligent rallies.. like a rally for the amazing medicinal and industrial uses of hemp. Its all this focus on smoking that keeps it illegal,,, wake up peeps...

The 2011 4-20 was set up better than the 2012,but had no one attendance.
This year 2012 there was a poor set up , but it seemed like there was people comeing from mid avo to the end of the ralley.'GREAT' THERE WAS AMERICANS THERE FROM cALAFORNIA WHOME HAD MEDICAL CERTIFICATES FROM THERE Doctors TO HAVE A cannabis PERMIT, sitting shareing with us AUSTRALIANS,

Is there a 4/20 celebration anywhere in the city of Melbourne this year? I could go out and check but alas, I've just had some nice Byron Bay Green delivered and would rather cuddle up at home. It feels like the first day of winter. Back home 4/20 celebrations take place spring time infront of city hall. Smoke it till it's gone!