Shocking video of police brutality at Mardi Gras

Warning: the below video contains violence.

Dear friends,

Have you seen this?

A shocking video has emerged of police brutality at this weekend's Mardi Gras. A young man is handcuffed, manhandled, and violently thrown to the ground.

Onlookers film his blood smeared on the concrete. Officers tell them to stop filming "because I say so."

Mardi Gras organisers and Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich are already raising the issue with the Police Minister, but the more community support they have, the more pressure they'll be able to apply.

GetUp member, Dean Price, has started a CommunityRun campaign calling on the Police Minister to hold a public investigation into the incident immediately, and to implement new education for police.

Watch the video. Sign the petition. Spread the word:

We'll send a press release and hold a press conference with Dean when the petition reaches 30,000 names! Let's make that happen today.

Some in the police and the Government will be hoping that this media story disappears fast. They'll commit to holding a private investigation, give one or two officers a slap on the wrist, and hope that this disappears from the media in a few days.

Dean's campaign can change that. A huge petition today will create a second round of media coverage, and a huge public movement (that's us) that media and police know will be following the issue for a long time to come. Together we can turn this one-day media story into a lever for real reform.

The overwhelming majority of police officers in NSW do a commendable job; we respect their dedication and patience in one of the hardest jobs in our community. In the 35 years since the original Mardi Gras police have gone from shutting it down to marching in the parade as part of the community. For the most part, this Mardi Gras showed off the best in our community, and our police.

But incidents like this bring back all too recent memories for the LGBTI community -- reminders that there is still much work to be done in our approach to policing. Let's use this moment to push for real progress, not just a one-off investigation.

Add your name to the campaign and share this far and wide through email, Facebook and Twitter.

In hope,
the GetUp team.

CommunityRun is a project by GetUp that puts the power to run (and win!) your own campaigns in your hands. What change do you want to make in your community?


No reason for that at all.

Poor guy had his hands behind his back.

Could have been another David Hooks.

Should be sacked.

One dirty police officer, his mother must be proud of him.

The public is NOT.

Lost all respect for our Police.


Shocking footage of police brutality at the gay and lesbian Mardi Gras is circulating on social media and community groups are up in arms. NSW Police Minister Gallacher can start a thorough investigation -- sign now to keep Mardi Gras safe for all!

Sign the petition

Shocking footage of police brutality during Sydney’s gay and lesbian Mardi Gras is circulating on social media. If we act right away we can make sure they don’t get away with it.

A video shows a policeman smacking a man to the ground and standing on his back, in front of onlookers. The beating can't be taken back, but we can make sure the police are held to account with an independent investigation to properly punish any homophobic behaviour. The NSW Police Minister, Michael Gallacher, needs to order an independent investigation, now. He's already under pressure from community groups and other MPs, and with all of our voices together, we can move him to act.

Let's create a firestorm online and in the streets to protect ourselves and our friends from police violence and we'll deliver the petition directly to the Police Minister. Sign now and tell Michael Gallacher to fully investigate the incident and make sure Sydney is safe for all:

Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade, now a global phenomenon attended by millions, was born out of a violent act of police brutality. The first parade in 1978 led to 53 arrests and many beatings. Last weekend’s heavy-handedness harks back to a time when the LGBT community had few rights and in many cases lived in fear from violence because of who they were. Australia has come so far in a generation, and police brutality cannot be tolerated in 2013.

The police have said they'll launch an internal investigation, but given the history of animosity with the LGBT community it could too easily become a face-saving exercise to placate public attention. We need to know that police aren't avoiding the tough questions -- like whether this brutality was driven by homophobic behaviour -- and that the police involved will be properly held to account if it is.

The cops are hoping the attention the film is getting will just go away. Join the call now to stop police brutality in Sydney. Sign now and share with everyone:

Together, Avaaz members across the world have helped to stop the “kill the gays” bill in Uganda and stood up for the voiceless victims of violence from Pakistan like Malala Yousafzai. Now we can make sure police violence in Sydney doesn’t get swept under the rug.

With, hope, determination and a little glitter,

Joseph, Emma, Ricken, Emily, Laura, Paul, Emma, Dominick and the whole Avaaz team


Allegations of police brutality at Mardi Gras (Sydney Morning Herald)

History of the Mardi Gras

Video: Witnesses allege police brutality at Sydney Mardi Gras 2013

An official inquiry into the incident has been issued but the gay community isn't satisfied.

A report offered to 270 community radio stations quotes Cat Rose, Convenor of Community Action Against Homophobia; Dan Stubbs, Director of Inner City Legal Centre;
Mark Murdoch, NSW Assistant Commissioner

Hear the report at

Theres a reason the suspect is being charged for assaulting police so lets not all act like this guy is some sort of angel.
The missing footage of the guy hitting the officer while handcuffed (as you hear from the audio) results in him being thrown to the ground.
If I was moronic enough to do that to a police officer then I would expect the same treatment.

This comment has also been posted elsewhere by me.

I am in my 50s and will be following this case as I am sure many others wilI be doing.
I consider the police had the right to defend themselves during the period prior to the footage of this 18 year old being handcuffed and fully agree that the teenager SHOULD be charged in respect of that.
Unfortunately, there is more that occurred BEFORE this latest video that we did not see and thus we don't know for sure just what the actions of police were BEFORE this fellow lashed out either.
Let us not forget that regardless of this, the officer should also merit charges of CRIMINAL ASSAULT OCCASIONING BODILY HARM being brought against him. This of course is unlikely to happen once the spin and whitewashing starts.
The action of throwing a person to the ground AFTER handcuffing their hands BEHIND their back is inexcusable and renders the officer no less guilty of being a criminal himself as far as I am concerned. Regardless of what went before there was, and is, NO EXCUSE for what this officer did in the circumstances. It should not be seen as simply a case of excessive force.
It only surprises me that the big brave officer didn't use a TASER to induce compliance in this hardened, hefty (he is noted as being 60 kilograms) and HANDCUFFED offender who obviously put him in fear of his life.
This DINGO of an officer appeared to have this person in a painful neck grip immediately prior to deliberately SLAMMING the unarmed, injured and RESTRAINED person to the pavement when that person did not have any capacity whatsoever to break their own fall due to the way they were restrained. This indicates to me a deliberate intent to cause pain and suffering to the victim on the part of the officer. This deliberate action should be subject to a mandatory CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT investigation.
From the information to hand thus far, this 18 year old had already suffered a head injury via the police BEFORE this cowardly action by the police officer. I note that he was slammed down onto SOLID CONCRETE PAVEMENT, already with an alleged head injury of which the attacking officer HAD BEEN MADE AWARE (going by the audio from the footage originally posted) then had this officer's foot placed in his back, holding his face against the pavement, and this WITH the previously sustained head injury and possible FURTHER head injury at the hands of this officer. Did this officer call for medical attention for his victim or did he call for backup? From memory, ALL police communications are recorded and his transmissions should be brought into evidence at any court procedings regarding the matter. If he did call for medical assistance for the injured young man, well and good. If he did not, then at best he should be considered culpable in carrying out his duties and responsibilities, or more appropriately, criminally negligent.
I note also that the officer tells the person filming to stop. When he is told by the person taking the footage that he is allowed to, the police officer responds "No you're not" the deliberate falsity of which also needs to be addressed by those in authority. He is THEIR representative after all and his actions reflect on his superiors.
It is sad, though certainly understandable that those good police officers out there are increasingly being seen as tainted and/or untrustworthy in the eyes of the community due to a minority of officers in their midst who many would consider unfit to hold any position of authority and trust.

I cannot believe everyone makes decisions based on what some people choose to show on stupid you sided and the old "oh boo boo!, oh woe is me - they hurt me" .

I don't care if he was gay, coloured, tall, short, a woman, an old person...if you behave badly and you are told by police to stop then you STOP. I don't care if you don't like what they tell you to do..don't behave like a spoilt toddler who wants their own way.

You are not special, you must follow rules whether you like it or not. If you don't like living with rules then go to the outback and live in a commune .

This bloke was kicking in to police and resisting arrest.What happened to the mandatory one year gaol for violence against Police lock him up for a year like what is required by law.