A win on free-range eggs, but more action is needed




Free range

Together we have scored a win on free range, and now it's time to share our success.


Earlier this year, over 3100 people stood with CHOICE to ask the ACCC to reject the Australian Egg Corporation's unreasonable attempt to increase "free range" stocking densities by 13-fold.

The great news for consumers is that the ACCC listened to us, finding that 20,000 chickens per hectare does "not accord with consumer expectations about the free range production of eggs".

This is a welcome development, however it is only an initial assessment and the final decision is yet to be made. The Egg Corporation has announced it will try to overturn the decision. 

CHOICE will continue to fight for a consistent national free-range standard that meets consumer expectations but we need your help!

We want the ACCC to know that consumers support their decision to reject the dodgy free-range standard. Please lend your voice to our effort by commenting on the image on our Facebook page.


Free range

You can also email us at campaigns@choice.com.au. We will forward your messages to the ACCC.


Campaign Updates


CHOICE survey confirms consumers care about country of origin

CHOICE bags a win on super

A recent survey of 743 CHOICE members has confirmed what CHOICE consistently hears from consumers - that food country-of-origin labelling is confusing, despite it being an important issue for many Australians. CHOICE is campaigning for simplified terminology for country-of-origin labelling but governments have showed little interest in reform. Legislation proposed by the Greens would limit country-of-origin information to ingredients and prohibit the "Made in Australia" claim. While we welcome the Greens' initiative in this area, our survey results show that shoppers not only want to know where food is grown, they also want information on where it is manufactured. We think the current terminology can be simplified without denying consumers critical information.



Where does my power bill go?

Bridging the digital price divide

It's no secret that electricity prices have been soaring over the past five years, and all around Australia people are wondering what they can do about it. While our Take the Power Back campaign is hugely important, there is also a lot you can do around the house to reduce your bills. To help, our experts have created an infographic to show you which of your appliances are costing you the most.




Thank You Choice for your efforts to save True Free Range Egg Farming.SIGN THIS PETITION NOW! Don't believe for one moment that the the cunning "FOX in charge of the hen house" doesn't have a back up plan up his sleeve. AECL will stop at nothing to take advantage of the "Free Range" name for the single purpose of super profits while taking full advantage of ill-informed consumers. With cage egg production probably phased out within the next 5-10 years they want to put "all their eggs in one basket" without the right to do so. Don't let them do it. Sign this petition and any other you can find today. They are modern day "Pirates". Don't let them "hijack" the Free Range name - tell them to call their new version of egg farming something else. Call it "BarnYard" egg production because that's what it is. Hens that lay eggs in a big barn crammed in with lots of other hens with a proportionally small yard attached. Bugger 'em - it's not their right to take advantage of True Free Range Farmers, Australian Consumers, the Environment and most importantly the "Hens" that lay the eggs! Please forward this link to everyone you know - this time big business will not get their way if we take the action needed! This petition will also be sent to the Prime Minister so be sure to make a comment to let her know how you feel. Many Thanks http://www.change.org/petitions/australian-egg-corporation-limited-limit...