I'm not sick


Michelle's started a petition on Change.org that we thought you might be interested in signing -- see below for a message from her:

The World Health Organisation says transsexualism is a mental disorder. Michelle knows she isn't sick and she's asking the WHO to stop telling trans people they are sick.
Sign Michelle's Petition

I was 8 when I first realised that my body didn’t match the person I was on the inside.

I’m not sick. I’m transgender. But according to the World Health Organisation, I'm mentally ill.

For years I've been called awful names, told I wasn't normal -- even by my parents. I felt so hopeless at times that I just tried to hide away from the world. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I was finally able to accept who I am, and start living my true identity as a woman.

The WHO labelling trans people 'mentally ill' does little to help us live the lives we deserve. That's why I've joined over 50,000 people from across the world to tell WHO to stop treating transsexualism as a mental illness -- will you help by signing my petition?

Right now WHO is revising their classifications, and there's a real chance for us to put an end to this discrimination -- just like when public pressure forced them to remove homosexuality from the list in 1990.

Being classed as mentally ill just because of who I am is a knife to the heart -- it's incredibly insulting coming from a UN agency. But this discrimination isn’t just hurtful, it’s impacting people’s lives in almost 200 countries where WHO’s classifications are used. 

It’s time to tell WHO that in 2012, trans people shouldn’t be treated as mentally ill. Please sign my petition, and tell everyone you know to sign too.

It would mean so much to me if we could change this.

Thank you,

Michelle Diamond

P.S. Notice anything different? We just launched a redesigned website -- we hope you like it! Change.org are proud to be the world's largest petition platform, empowering you (and 20 million other people!) to make the change you want to see in the world. Click here to read more about who we are, and here to read about how we keep our tools completely free for people like yourself.

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The World Health Organization . . . work closely with Scientology, the Pharmaceutical industry & Psychiatry, it has long been said that they create these so called mental disorders so they can make money, one mans medicine is another mans poison.

Pharmakeia is the root word for the modern words of Pharmaceutical & Pharmakeia means sorcery, witchcraft & toxic poison.

These witchdoctors don't heal people, they poison people with toxic drugs. These so called health professionals want to administer toxic drugs to half of the worlds population.

Their is no such thing as mental illness, its a figment of the governments & so called health professionals imagination, their just is no such thing as mental illness, they cant even scientifically prove that mental illness exists, in otherwords its a Pseudoscience.

* Acute stress disorder
* Adjustment disorder
* Adolescent antisocial behavior
* Adult antisocial behavior
* Adverse effects of medication-not otherwise specified
* Age-related cognitive decline
* Agoraphobia
* Alcohol abuse
* Alcohol dependence
* Alcohol withdrawal
* Alcoholic hallucinosis
* Alzheimer's disease

* Amnestic disorder
* Amphetamine dependence
* Amphetamine withdrawal psychosis
* Anorexia nervosa
* Anterograde amnesia
* Antisocial personality disorder
* Anxiety disorder
* Anxiolytic-related disorders
* Asperger syndrome
* Attention deficit disorder
* Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
* Autism
* Autophagia
* Avoidant personality disorder
* Barbiturate dependence
* Benzodiazepine dependence
* Benzodiazepine misuse
* Benzodiazepine withdrawal
* Bereavement
* Bibliomania
* Binge eating disorder
* Bipolar disorder
* Bipolar I disorder
* Bipolar II disorder
* Body dysmorphic disorder
* Borderline intellectual functioning
* Borderline personality disorder
* Brief psychotic disorder
* Bulimia nervosa
* Caffeine-related disorder
* Caffeine-induced sleep disorder
* Cannabis dependence
* Cannabis withdrawal
* Catatonic disorder
* Catatonic schizophrenia
* Childhood amnesia
* Childhood antisocial behavior
* Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
* Cocaine dependence
* Cocaine intoxication
* Cognitive disorder
* Communication disorder
* Conduct disorder
* Cotard delusion
* Cyclothymia
* Delirium tremens
* Depersonalization disorder
* Derealization disorder
* Desynchronosis
* Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)
* Dysthymia
* Encopresis
* Ekbom's Syndrome (Delusional Parasitosis)
* Enuresis (not due to a general medical condition)
* Erotomania
* Exhibitionism
* Factitious disorder
* Fregoli delusion
* Fugue State
* Ganser syndrome (due to a mental disorder)
* Gender identity disorder
* Generalized anxiety disorder
* General adaptation syndrome
* Grandiose delusions
* Hallucinogen-related disorder
* Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
* Histrionic personality disorder
* Huntington's disease
* Hypomanic episode
* Hypochondriasis
* Impulse control disorder
* Impulse-control disorder not elsewhere classified
* Inhalant abuse
* Insomnia due to a general medical condition
* Intermittent explosive disorder
* Kleptomania
* Korsakoff's syndrome
* Lacunar amnesia
* Major depressive disorder
* Major depressive episode
* Male erectile disorder
* Malingering
* Manic episode
* Mathematics disorder
* Medication-related disorder
* Melancholia
* Mental retardation
* Minor depressive disorder
* Misophonia
* Mixed episode
* Mood disorder
* Mood episode
* Morbid jealousy
* Munchausen's syndrome
* Munchausen's syndrome by proxy
* Multiple personality disorder (Dissociative identity disorder)
* Narcissistic personality disorder
* Neglect of child
* Neuroleptic-related disorder
* Nicotine withdrawal
* Night eating syndrome
* Nightmare disorder
* Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
* Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
* Occupational problem
* Oneirophrenia
* Opioid dependence
* Opioid-related disorder
* Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
* Pain disorder
* Panic disorder
* Paranoid personality disorder
* Paraphilia
* Parasomnia
* Parent-child relational problem
* Parkinson's Disease
* Partner relational problem
* Pathological gambling
* Perfectionism
* Persecutory delusion
* Personality change due to a general medical condition
* Personality disorder
* Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
* Phase of life problem
* Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)-related disorder
* Phobic disorder
* Phonological disorder
* Physical abuse
* Pica
* Polysubstance-related disorder
* Post-traumatic embitterment disorder (PTED)
* Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
* Premature ejaculation
* Primary hypersomnia
* Primary insomnia
* Psychogenic amnesia
* Psychological factor affecting medical condition
* Psychotic disorder
* Pyromania
* Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
* Reading disorder
* Recurrent brief depression
* Relational disorder
* Residual schizophrenia
* Retrograde amnesia
* Rett's disorder
* Rumination syndrome
* Sadomasochism
* Schizoaffective disorder
* Schizoid personality disorder
* Schizophrenia
* Schizophreniform disorder
* Schizotypal personality disorder
* Seasonal affective disorder
* Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder
* Selective mutism
* Separation anxiety disorder
* Severe mental retardation
* Shared psychotic disorder
* Sleep disorder
* Sleep terror disorder
* Sleepwalking disorder
* Social anxiety disorder
* Social phobia
* Somatization disorder
* Somatoform disorder
* Specific phobia
* Stendhal syndrome
* Stereotypic movement disorder
* Stuttering
* Substance-related disorder
* Tardive dyskinesia
* Transient global amnesia
* Trichotillomania