Save Art in TAFE

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Rissa Dyson
Sydney Parliament House

"Rally at NSW Parliament house table the Save Art In TAFE petition in Parliament - Carmel Tebbut Opposition shadow Minister for Education will be coming out into the forecourt to receive the petitions. We need at least 250 to attend representing the various tafe art schools across the state to hold banners and signs to help illustrate our cause."!/events/392429200830470/

"Fine Arts are beneficial and crucial for the mental health and well-being of not only people with a mental illness but for those without one as well. The arts not only create jobs but they also create communities that are more vibrant, cohesive, healthy and innovative. With the cuts that the Government are bringing in for TAFE, the ability to make art in the hands of people regardless of their age, wealth or background will no longer be there. They think that they are only cutting it by 1.7 billion dollars but they are really taking out dozens of billions of dollars that the education will produce."



Meet in the Domain, near Hospital Road behind the State Library at 12. participants should wear a plain red, black or white tshirt, bring sunscreen, water etc... Participants will be given canvases to hold, walking, then standing, in order to spell out our message along Macquarie Street.