Protest to the Danes over regular ghastly dolphin killings - the pictures say it all

Denmark is involved in a shameful practice.

The sea is stained in red from the cruelty of supposedly civilised humans killing hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins. This happens every year in Faroe Island in Denmark. The main participants in this slaughter are young teens.

WHY? A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature!

Everyone participates in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty, “supporting like a spectator”.

Calderon dolphins, like all other dolphin species, are near extinction.

They get near humans to play and interact, in PURE friendship.

They don’t die instantly; as they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks, they produce a grim cry like that of a new born child.

There’s no compassion while this magnificent creature slowly dies in its own blood.

It has to stop!

Protest to Danish authorities and businesses near you.

I protested to the Danish embassy in Canberra and the Danish foreign ministry with emails.

This is what I got back from the embassy (

Concerning protest about catching of whales

Dear xxxxxxx

The Danish Embassy has received your e-mail in which you express your feelings caused by an e-mail you have received containing pictures of alleged dolphin killings in Denmark. The pictures may have been accompanied by inflammatory and misleading comments, for example that they depict a rite of passage for young men.

We take note of the fact that you have found the above mentioned pictures, and the accompanying text, disturbing.

The pictures are from catches, not of dolphins, but of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands. The pictures are very selective, and partly outdated. As you seem to be interested in the subject, you are advised to find more information about the Faroese pilot whale drive fishery on the homepage In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on the internet, you may also find an article called “Whaling in the Faroe Islands”.

The facts which you will find include the following:
· The purpose of the catch is to produce food,
· The hunt is regulated by the authorities,
· The catch is biologically sustainable,
· The Faroese authorities are making continuous efforts to improve the killing methods.

The Faroe Islands are an archipelago in the North East Atlantic. The economy of the islands is heavily dependent upon the sea and its living resources. The islands are an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark. Affairs regarding industry, agriculture, the environment, fishing and whaling, are subject to Faroese autonomy.

If you, after having acquainted yourself with the facts of the matter, should wish to address the Faroese authorities regarding pilot whaling, the relevant e-mail address of the Government of the Faroes is .

Catharina Moltke
Cultural and Consular Officer


these people are sic and they need a new tridition they must be sick in the head!

Can we form a protest for the one coming this year???? is that possible? if so add me on facebook: search for: "pepper-bel"

Please end this atrocious practice. The history of a nation and its culture is quite valuable, but to continue a brutal, unethical and tortuous practice merely for the sake of history is be so nearsighted as to be dangerous. (Would one want a nation to reinstate slavery, end rights for women etc?)

that is digusting !!!! denmark is not proving that they are mature
they are proving that they barbarians and need to be stopped now!!!

This is not a "manly" act. This is disturbing and i don't see how anyone could feel better about themselves for doing something like this and hearing the animal scream...SICK!!!!

I thought Canada was the only known civilized country to engage in such barbaric practices with their widely known and heavily protested annual baby seal hunt, so to find out that a country like Denmark, who was always held in such high regard, could partake in such animal cruelty with these horrific slayings of these innocent pilot whales is beyond comprehension. What has happened to mankind and their respect for all species, both human and otherwise? How did the Danish reach a point where this type of disregard for the suffering being inflicted upon these creatures felt acceptible and, even worse, deemed something to celebrate?? It truly sickens me that in this day and age we still have organized brutality disguised as "tradition". Pathetic! You should be ashamed of yourself Denmark!

Deanna Alves
San Jose, CA (USA)

Hello and greetings from the Faroes. I'm stunned by the stupidity and the manipulation in this article. This is all hyperbolic with its only intention to provoke people with false facts.
First, the pilot whales, which we kill, aren't a threatened species. There are approximately 1.000.000 left of them and if they would become threatened, we would stop immediately. We kill the whales for food, not for proving our manhood as the article implies. Many "news articles" (mainly blogs) claim something which's not true because their only purpose is to provoke. We don't kill the whales with the hooks. The hook is used to haul the whales to lower water so we're better able to kill them. They're killed when their spinal cords are cut so they die instantly - within seconds. Their spinal cords are cut with a special knife. Sadly, many of you who protest against pilot whaling are carnivores and think that this killing is worse than killing other kinds of animals. The facts prove you wrong. Just check the site of where you can find real facts, not those "articles" which you refer to.

If I can bring attention to the previous comments
*The HOOK is used to HAUL the whales to lower water so we're better able to kill them.*
(so are they not in pain whilst being 'hauled'?) *They're killed when their spinal cords are cut so they die instantly within seconds.*
(doesn't seam like any kind of 'instant death' hauling them around with hooks to me!)
* Their spinal cords are cut with a special knife. Sadly, many of you who protest against pilot whaling are carnivores and think that this killing is worse than killing other kinds of animals.*
well yes I do and most meat eaters like to be under the belief that the animals are treated as humanly as possible (many meat eaters are against things like eating veal for what I think are obvious reasons!)slaughter houses are under license and are given checks by our British government to check that they are adhering to strict laws in the slaughter of said animals.
Also I think I might move over there and open a supermarket I could earn a fortune as that must be something they have no use of if being driven to barbarically slaughter these animals for food.

Those photos made me hungry, Dolphin soaked in vinegar Yum Yum you should try it I bet you will love it too!!!!

How can a so called civilized country like Denmark allow this slaughter to continue? It makes then the dregs of europe.

The Australian Aboriginals kill protected animals all the time, no one worries about that!I wonder why??????