Write to your local Woolworths about killer pokies

At the shops we're all thinking carefully about the purchases we make. Is this good for my health? Is this the right price? Have animals been treated ethically and workers fairly? The list goes on.

But sometimes the impact companies are having in our communities is hidden. Take Woolworths, for example. They promote themselves as a family friendly grocery store, but they're also the single biggest poker machine operator, taking money from the most vulnerable people in our communities.

We can do something about that. Here's the plan.

  1. Print off this short a letter.
  2. Sign your name and add any personal comments you'd like to include.
  3. Put it in your shopping bag, purse or wallet, for next time you're shopping in, or near a Woolworths store.
  4. Deliver the letter to Woolworths staff at the checkout and politely ask them to pass it on to store management.


By working together, we can deliver thousands of letters to Woolworths stores across the country. That's an avalanche of letters that will run from neighbourhood stores right through the company to get the attention of the board and CEO. When Woolworths hears that stores across the country have been receiving thousands of thoughtful, passionate letters from GetUp members they're going to take notice.

This isn't about causing a scene, nor getting angry at Woolworths staff -- we know it's not their fault that Woolworths invest in poker machines, and many are on our side! It's not about boycotts or protest -- and you don't even have to be a regular Woolworths customer.

It's simply about hand-delivered notes asking Woolworths to do better by our communities. Please print out your letter now, or if you don't have access to a printer let us know and we'll send you a copy in the post:


Thanks for all you do,

PS - This is really important right now because it's just a month until Woolworths hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the company to discuss our pokie reform proposals. 257 fantastic GetUp members, who are shareholders of Woolworths, have forced the company to hold the meeting, so now we need to ramp up the pressure. Let's make sure the Woollworths manager in your local area is passes on this message: their customers and community want Woolworths to do the right thing by our communities. That means sensible limits on the amount of money problem gamblers can lose on Woolworths poker machines. http://www.getup.org.au/woolworths-special-delivery


...we shouldn't be putting the onus on staff to hand these letters on to their managers.

Many will already have orders (threats?) not to accept them.

We would only be embarassing them and us at the checkout.

I've written proper Australia Post letters to the three Woolworths and one BWS stores in my immediate surroundings.

Find yours at

It would be good if people were able to email the corporate office of Woolworths - most persons - like to take the easier way when possible.

So - please publish the email address for the corporate office of Woolworths.

Also. Why call the company "Woolies"? A diminutive infers sentimentality or kind feelings.

With kind regards. Eliza

P.S CAPTCHA - What else would I be other than human???? An animal??? Eliza