Settlement with ABC Media Watch for defamation against me 13/4/2012

Again i come to this site to get the truth out to Australia and the World because main stream media Print and TV in NSW Australia won't release it to the public. As they say there is no interest in Schapelle Corby's being innocent and sitting in a Bali prison, read Expendable TV on Howard Government and others cover up saying no drug smuggling going on in Australian Airports at time of Schapelle's arrest in 2004.

As to my claims in July 2005, of the offer to me, which i didn't take up but wanted to tell the Bali court till News Ltd done hatchet job on me to get out of paying me the $250,000.oo they agreed to pay me for my story, which looks like i'm going to have to take to the International Court of Justice to over turn the judgment of the High Court of Australia as to it's wrong judgment as to my credit, and my claim as to bias from the NSW Court system and it's mistakes.[ see my claim was to verbal contract and used Croke to prove as my independant witness i was dealing with News Ltd for that amount, then in para 70 of Judge Delany's judgment says "i used solicitor for contract" then that proves there was a verbal contract and dealing with News Ltd but judge ignored that he did what he done cause judges can, and Croke never gave evidence in trail and if going off what was said in court should have proved my case ].

Of News Ltd and ABC Media Watch made a joke of the article by Cindy Wockner and Luke Mcilveen decide i was a liar because of what solicitor Michael Croke said to Luke Mcilveen and AAP about my true story, which he said to me in court he didn't say but when asked by the defence barrister said yes he said that, isn't that telling a knowning liar [ perjury ].

Any way i settled the ABC Defamation case on the 13/4/2012 for $5,000.oo which they claim my story was untrue for money, what this settlement means my story is true, and Schapelle Corby should be freed.
William Moss 0403 414 179. if you can help with the ICOJ appeal.


I've just been reading about this on Expendable.TV, who have done an amazing job in documenting it.

To be honest, I'm stunned. This is appalling.

And well done to you William for sticking with it.

OMG here we go with the name MICHAEL CROKE, again.... HE is the only lier......He has handed out personel briefs on his clients!!!!!! isnt that ILLEGAL? i have had MANY dealings with this man, took us quite a few years to realise his minipulative lies and bullshit......GIFT OF THE GAB.........William, you go my friend and good luck to you......more corruption in the legal system than what there is in normal society....