Housing team standing for the sydney city council elections on the 8/9

i know this should have been sent out days ago but better late than never.

in case you don't know, and why should you, i inform all that i am part of the housing team that is standing for the sydney city council elections on the 8/9.

denis doherty (mayoral candidate), raul bassi, jay fletcher, andrew chuter and myself make up the housing action team that will be taking on the might of liberal, labor and the clover moore team so this is not going to be just a walk in the park.

we mean business and so do they so come along to our launch and fundraiser at the gaelic club 64 devonshire street surry hills tomorrow night (sunday) at 6pm to 8pm and meet the candidates and hear what we stand for. $20/$12 entry and drinks at the bar.

our motto, our raison d'être for standing is that a decent home is a human right. as is a job, education and health.

this city of sydney belongs to the people who live and work in the council area and that population is not being protected from the avarice of developers and their council cronies. public housing is being reduced and the council plan under clover moore is to bring in private housing homes and units that will sell up to $400 000 each.

this is not a rich citizens city, it was built by workers such as us and we have every right to live, work and retire here............where we belong.

if possible, please attend and urge your lists to do likewise by distributing this post.

ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

(m) 0450 651 063
(p) 02 9318 0947
address 1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017


we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.

sovereignty treaty social justice


That a group of five men would even contemplate a ticket without the inclusion of women in this day and age is beyond the pale. There is no social justice in misogyny and there is no future for it’s protagonists.

I live at Poet’s Corner. Five years ago Housing completely renovated all three 16 story high rises, inside and out, including every room in every apartment, kitchen and bathroom, if the tenant so wished. Huge chucks of concrete were replaced on my balcony and steel reinforced by workers scaling the outside of the building. A community garden was established and is thriving.

Across the road an entire city block of Housing walk ups was demolished and replaced with stunning new dwellings, my daughter a fortunate recipient of one.

A stream of workers and volunteers assisting those isolated and in need attends the estate. Council holds regular meetings at the Poet’s Corner meeting place for tenants to register their concerns, and advertises these meetings widely in the community.

I often watch squads of police roust strangers to the buildings for drugs from my 4th floor apartment. Known dealers are quickly moved on, one a couple of doors down from me a couple of years ago.

Last Monday water to all three high rises was turned off for most of the day to fix water seepage in one.

Yes there are some very damaged people in our community, not the least those who’ve resettled from overseas. We embrace them and do our best to look after them. We don’t need people telling us they shouldn’t be with us or we shouldn’t be with them, and improvements over the past decade have been astonishing.

Another block away and Redfern Park has been completely transformed. On a weekday afternoon it’s not unusual to watch the Rabbitoh’s train and sit and have a chat with Greg Inglis and the Bunnies at the park cafe afterwards.

Down the road Housing has bumped up security in the high rise Matavai building for the elderly to the extent I occasionally had difficulty getting through the screening process in the foyer to visit my late Pop as he was too deaf to answer a call on his intercom.

Thanks Clover, actions speak heaps, and what others have in mind for us is unknown, so far they won’t say.

Unfamiliar with the name, I googled “Jay Fletcher" from the Housing ticket and found only references to men.

I’ve since noticed on a poster she’s a woman so it’s nice to see the blokes include at least one woman, albeit well short of the one third representation to achieve genuine diversity.

But even from their posters it’s difficult to discern policies.

They’re going to have to come clean soon if they’re going to have any chance of overcoming Clover’s stunning record of achievement.
