Killer who used the "gay panic" defence after bashing a man to death walks free after four years - call Campbell Newman

The killer who used the "gay panic" defence after bashing a man to death in my churchyard has just walked free. He had only served four years out of a nine year sentence. 

The injustice of this situation is heart-wrenching. I've just been in contact with the victim's mother, and she is bravely joining us -- and the 180,000 others who have signed my petition on -- in speaking out about the "gay panic" defence. 

Can you help me get the message through to Campbell Newman personally by leaving a message with his office? It only takes a couple of minutes, and is super easy.

Just dial 07 3224 4500. When the receptionist answers the phone, politely say:

"My name is ______. I've seen in the news that a killer who used the "gay panic" defence in court has been released after just four years in jail. I'm ringing, for the safety of our community, to urge Campbell Newman to get rid of this archaic law immediately. Thanks." 

The feedback I'm getting from others is that the office is polite and will register with Newman that you called - it's working!

It's important we speak out now -- the new Attorney-General is saying to media that they're going to wait until it's "tested again" in another murder trial. It leaves open the possibility that another killer might walk free because of this disgusting loophole.

Please join me in leaving a phone message for Premier Newman right away. Call his office on 07 3224 4500.

Thanks for your help,

Fr. Paul Kelly

Catholic Priest, Maryborough

P.S. You can also reach him at this number: 07 3224 4500. I'd love to hear how your phone call went -- so drop me a line at after you've called. Thanks so much.


I wonder if Fr. Paul Kelly serves Holy Communion to Homosexuals at Sunday Mass?The law of the church say's he can't.I think Fr. Paul Kelly should really help the community by trying to rid the Catholic church of Paedophiles it seems a bit strange he would protect Homosexuals, seeing what Homosexual priests have done to young boys over the centuries.