The judgment in WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange’s final appeal against extradition to Sweden was handed down by the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday 30 May.
Breaking news: Julian has lost his appeal.
Assange now faces being sent to Sweden by force within 10 days. From Sweden, he could be sent immediately to the US where he faces prosecution for publishing information just like any other journalist.
Rallies on the 31st May: Details on Wikileaks Central
Assange has been under house arrest in the UK for over 530 days, a situation which Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, has admitted is “extraordinary”. And Foreign Minister Carr has called aspects of the Swedish justice system “an outrage by Australian standards”. But they have done nothing to assist Assange.
Instead, our Prime Minister Julia Gillard labelled Assange a criminal and her government has been quietly passing legislation which will potentially make it easier for Assange to be extradited to the US, should he ever return to Australia. They have denied all knowledge of the sealed indictment against Assange and continue to block FOI requests for information relating to documents relating to potential US extradition, reportedly at the behest of the US government.
National Rallies occuring on the 31st May
Where: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 55 Currie Street, CBD
When: 12PM - 2 PM
Contact:, Twitter: @ADFOWL
Where: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 295 Ann St.
When: 12PM – 2PM and 4:30PM – 6PM
Event on Indymedia calendar
All night solidarity vigil
When: 4PM May 30th - 6PM May 31st.
Where: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 295 Ann St.
Contact: Ciaron AT
Event on Indymedia calendar
Where: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Sydney Avenue, Barton ACT
When: 12PM – 2PM and 4:30PM – 6PM
Contact: Twitter: @wirnpa
Where: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2 Lonsdale St.
When:12PM – 2PM and 4:30PM – 6PM
Contact:, @AusFoWL,, @akaWACA
Melbourne Facebook Page
Event on Indymedia Calendar
Where: Murray St. Mall, 650 Hay St.
When: 7:30PM - 8.30PM
Contact: Perth Facebook Event Page
Event on Indymedia Calendar
Where: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 123 Pitt St.
When: 5PM
Stop the War Coalition Sydney
Byron Bay
Where: Drumming Circle, Main Beach
When: 4PM onwards, May 30
Where: Ewen Jones' Office, Nathan Business Centre, Aitkenvale
When: 12PM – 2PM and 4:30PM – 6PM
Townsville Facebook Event Page
Event on Indymedia Calendar

Rally locations
There will be a Sydney Rally (and one in each State and Territory) at 5pm on the 31st of May 2012 for Julian Assange.
Place in Sydney: DFAT - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; 123 Pitt Street Sydney.
Likewise DFAT in other States/Territories.
Speakers include Stuart Rees (Sydney Peace Foundation etc) (I think), David Shoebridge (Australian Greens), and Irene Doutney Councillor Sydney.
Purpose is too obvious.
With hope we might have a new Australian Senator named Julian Assange.
In Hope and humanity always for Julian Assange.
Dear fellow imperialistic Internet dictators . . .
Dear fellow Imperialistic Internet Dictators . . .
ID, Internet Dictators think they are part of some global superior technocracy & they can
dictate their ridiculous terms & propoganda to other poor helpless souls, its basically
a joke & has nothing to do with real freedom of speech or humanity, get a real job & help each other
out, be part of a real team & take your time with so called technology, technology can be developed
or technology can be scrapped, its up to you to play your part & don't be scared to get
your hands dirty.
This guy is our hero
Very best of good fortune for Julian Assange.
We all want tranparency, iopen governments and truth media etc.
This guy is our hero
Kevin & Jean
Thanks Indy
Shame on the Aussie governments for letting him down
All the best to Aussie Julian Assange.
Shame on the Aussie governments for letting him down.
Raymond and Ignatious
Adding Antony Lowenstein to Sydney rally speakers
P.B. wants to add this re. Sydney Rally:
The Speakers at Sydney NSW Rally will be as said remarkable Professor Emer. Stuart Rees, David Shoebridge (Australian Greens) and now Antony Lowenstein.
Greens Councillor Irene Doutney may or may not be speaking at the Rally this Thursday at 6pm.
Place: 123 Pitt Street Sydney, just past Angel Place.
In hope
Julian Assange extradition judgement
Photos from the Perth rally
As somebody who came into close contact with Julian Assange
As somebody who came into close contact with Julian Assange many years ago & had a opportunity to read his early rhetoric I am disgusted to see how he is being treated. Julian Assange, myselg & Mike Carlton the original founder of wikipedia & indymedia were all assaulted by the the so called forebearers of the Law.
Julian Assange is in gaol with the truth
There is an upcoming 2nd Rally in Sydney DFAT building again at 5pm, 21st June 2012 for Julian Assange.
I'm wondering about the Fiduciary obligations of all the lawyers involved in what ended up being Julian losing his 2nd appeal, and if those highest obligations were blocked by the fear-mongering and fearful powers that be and others in 'families' with power they appear to use in the most horrifying ways.
The heartwrenching truth is Julian Assange is in gaol with the truth, yet we are all aware of the truth standing onside and outside rain, hail or whatever defending his freedom, always.
Here's to Julian's freedom.
Honesty to the people is of utmost importance and they've targeted the messenger unaware the people are sophisticated enough and aware enough to know the truths from many sources not only Julian Assangle's remarkable contirbutions.