Recently BHP Billiton announced it proposal to expand the Olympic Dam Uranium Mine in South Australia to become the largest open pit and uranium mine in the world. Traditional owner Uncle Kevin Buzzacott and activist/musician Izzy Brown are organizing the Lizard's Revenge. On 14th July people are gathering for three days to shut down Roxby Downs which is irreversibly poisoning the land and water, contaminating its workers and spreading its deadly export to the Fukishimas of tomorrow and to war zones in the form of Depleted Uranium. As well as blockading the Lizard Festival will include solar and wind powered cinema, Theatre, Cabaret and Art installations, and over 20 musical acts.
Related Interview with organiser Izzy Brown -- Lizard's Revenge on Facebook -- Lizard's Revenge Indymedia event -- RoxStop Action Website -- May 18th Perth Dinnner and Talk -- June 2nd Sydney Fundraiser -- Road trip for change: July 3rd-20th
Interview with Izzy Brown about the Roxby Down expansion and Lizard's Revenge
Lizard's Revenge Call to Action
Hosted by the DLF - Desert Liberation Front in response to the governments decision to expand Olympic Dam mine.
... Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old lizard, Kalta the sleepy lizard. The lizard ain't so sleepy anymore.
BHP is mining right into that Lizards body. The government has just approved an expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium mine, making it the biggest uranium mine in the world.
Kalta is angry and wants revenge. Arabana elder Kevin Buzzacott is calling the people of the world to help the lizard shut down the mine. He is calling for people to come and heal the land in the name of peace and justice for the next 10,000 generations to come.
The land is being irreversibly poisoned in and around Roxby Downs by the tailings dam causing dust and ground water contamination, and contamination of its workers.
The uranium is taken all over the world and used to kill the land and all its creatures. It's destroying lives not only in Fukashima, with the reactor meltdown, but in the depleted uranium shells that children play with in the streets of Iraq and Kosovo.
With the governments numerous attempts to put a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty in the Northern Territory there is a danger that radioactive waste will be brought back, opening Australia up to accepting nuclear waste from all over the world. Lets stop the deadly cycle where it starts.
The land the lizard and the creatures of this earth are summoning everybody who gives a shit to the gates of Roxby Downs on the 14th of july 2012 for The Lizards Revenge - This is an open invitation to all people and a special call out to artists, musicians and activist community groups and media to get involved in the creation of this autonomous zone for the peace and healing of this land.
Party in a Dangerous Planet with Theatre, Cabaret and Art installations. Over 20 musical acts. Solar Powered sound system extravaganza and wind powered cinema. More to be anounced..
Stand up and boogie down at the Gates of Olympic Dam 14th July 2012
for more info email- izzybrown(at)
May 18th Perth Dinnner and Talk
June 2nd Sydney Fundraiser
Road trip for Change: July 3rd to July 20th

Huge thank you to Izzy Brown & all the warriors with him
this post is for support, courage + a huge thank you to Izzy Brown & all the warriors with him & behind him.