Class war by the mega-rich

It's interesting that it is OK for people to single out for praise personalities such as Rinehart, Forrest , Palmer as individuals who contribute to society , but if it is suggested that they should pay more tax as a contribution to society, that is described as Class Warfare.

I can see a case for claiming Class Warfare when Rinehart and Co become among the richest people in the world by mining the Land of "impoverished indigenous people".

Aboriginal people remain "impoverished" despite Rinehart and Co having already amassed billions from mining their Country.

That's real Class Warfare.


Subject: The Australian: Drop the class-war rhetoric, says Mundine

Drop the class-war rhetoric, says Mundine
by: Patricia Karvelas
From: The Australian
FORMER Labor Party president and the new head of GenerationOne, Warren Mundine, has called on the Gillard government to halt its "class war" talk and acknowledge the importance of wealth and job creation, particularly for impoverished indigenous people.

From Ray Jackson: just too bloody true, laurie.


Fully agree under-mining the original people's land, and taking from impoversihed or any disadvantaged by the mega rich is repulsive. No one with any social conscience thinks or holds dollars rich people as any role models, unless they give back.

They should be taxed so much the impoverished no longer exist in 'fair' and meant to be collectively rich Australia. That's only fair and reason-able.

Egality, equality and an end to the creeping poverty that has been perpetuated by ethical and physical thugs and those who think there is nothing except the mighty dollar and amassing enormous wealth without returning humanitarian contributions and being philanthropic.

Shame on taking from any disadvantaged people. Utter shame.
Shame the mega rich are in bed with politicians, and the PM is allowing this to happen.

Good precise article.