Sunrise is under attack over marriage equality

Last night the anti-equality movement launched a stinging campaign against Sunrise and its corporate sponsors. Why? Because on this Thursday's show, Sunrise and marie claire will be joining celebrities and a growing movement of people who support marriage equality.

Let’s stop the campaign by those who seek to propagate hate in its tracks by getting more than ten times as many viewers from around the country to thank Sunrise for standing up for marriage equality.

Can you sign a massive thank you card to Sunrise and marie claire? If 5,000 people sign the card in the next 48 hours we'll present it to Sunrise executives this Thursday at the event.

As the Australian Christian Lobby told their members in an email last night: "this comes at a strategic time in the debate."

In just 14 days the House of Representatives will release its report into marriage equality law reform. Soon after a vote will follow, but many MPs are still undecided. To move these MPs to vote for change, we'll need to prove to them where the vast majority of Australians sit on this issue. That's why Sunrise sticking their neck out to publicly support the right of all people to marry is so important.

Now the Sunrise team are under attack. Hundreds of emails are being sent to Sunrise and their corporate sponsors, letting them know that some of their viewers "do not propose to watch the show again".

It's up to us to prove to media outlets and public figures that when they throw their support behind this worthy and just campaign, we'll be there to show our thanks.

Can you sign our massive thank you card before we present it this Thursday?

If Sunrise backtracks because of opposition (and at this stage there is no sign they will), then it will set the campaign for equality back to a time when people couldn’t come out and support LGBTI people for fear of public backlash. Even worse, it will embolden anti-equality activists around the country to target other public figures that support equality and serve as a lesson to others to stay out of the fight for equal rights entirely.

As GetUp members and equality advocates, we can’t just criticise our politicians and the media when they do bad. We also must encourage them when they do good.

Let’s show Sunrise and its corporate sponsors that the majority of their viewers stand with them in supporting marriage equality.

Thanks for standing up,

The GetUp team.

PS - If you are in Sydney or Melbourne this Thursday morning, come on down to Bourke St Mall in Melbourne or Martin Place in Sydney to show your support! Otherwise, tune in on Thursday to show Channel 7 on that when media outlets get behind the campaign, we respond.


Thanks for the info missed Sunrise that day,Now I will never watch it again or buy from their sponsors.Marriage is for man and woman if you want a gay unity fair enough go make up your own way of doing it.What next? marriage for Pedophiles and children, that may sound sick to a lot of people but remember Marriage for Homosexuals sounds sick to a lot of people too.

Editor removed personal slagging

To measure the relationship between homosexuals to paedophiles demonstrates your intelligence level. Go back to living under a rock and let Australia move with the times!

They are both sexually retarded Pedophiles and Homosexuals.Ever thought about why Aids kills so many homosexuals? Didn't think so go back to living under a rock and pretend Aids is not a Homosexuals disease.

You make me sick Anonymous.

Aids makes people sick too Adelina but we will pretend that out of all people with Aids in Australia 84% are not male Homosexuals otherwise people might question Homosexuality right.

P.S the thought of two males married makes me sick, and I am more important than you, so what are you going to do about it?

Naturally you had a mother and a father when you were born or conceived.

It is the most natural thing for a man and a woman to unite and share their life together and procreate children. This man-woman union needs and deserves special societal recognition and protection, and throughout history it has been recognised and protected in the institution known as "marriage" or "holy matrimony". It is a unique union of opposite but complementary souls (one man and one woman) and, generally, it results in natural children: the next generation of society.

Thus, marriage is the foundation of the family: the basic unit of every civilised society. Marriage is intended to be safe secure place of belonging and nurturing and protection for all parties concerned: husband and wife and children. For the parents, it is a healthy decent safe environment in which they can fulfill their natural desires and find meaningful companionship and commitment. For their children, this environment is a special safe place where they belong and are accepted, protected, nourished and raised to maturity.

You had a mother and a father at some stage in your development and you no doubt appreciated their different and complementary characters and talents. Same-sex marriage would deny other children the same expectation of having a mother and a father. Please reject any attempt to redefine marriage as being between two men or two women or multiple partners or any other variation of relationship.

The future of our children and our society should not be tampered with for degenerate passing fads.