Kentucky Fried Chicken's food packaging threatening the world's smallest, endangered tiger

KFC fast food packaging is made from pulped rainforest. Tell KFC to stop before time runs out for the critically-endangered Sumatran tiger.

Turn on images to see the Sumatran tiger

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What’s in KFC’s secret recipe? Mashed-up bits of rainforest. Researchers have found that KFC’s throw-away packaging contains fiber from Indonesia’s remaining lush rainforests, home to the world’s smallest tiger, the critically-endangered Sumatran tiger.

Ten percent of the world’s remaining tropical forest is found in Indonesia, and KFC is destroying the habitat of the world's last remaining Sumatran tigers to make buckets for fast-food fries and chicken.

Sign our urgent petition to KFC and YUM! Brands demanding that the companies stop using wood from the rainforest in their food packaging.

More than two million hectares of Indonesian rainforests have been lost to logging every year since 1996. As a result, only a few hundred of the exquisite Sumatran tigers are left in the wild.

KFC gets the paper for its packaging from a notoriously destructive company called Asia Pulp & Paper (APP). We're teaming up with Greenpeace on this important campaign because right now, APP is driving rainforest destruction in Indonesia at an alarming rate to meet KFC’s demands — leaving endangered Sumatran tigers with nowhere to go.

Food packaging represents two-thirds of all packaging on the planet, and KFC's parent company YUM! Brands is the world's largest restaurant company. Already, some of the world’s largest companies, like Nestlé and Mattel, have agreed to stop sourcing from APP, but KFC is holding out.

If KFC dumps APP, it could mean the tigers have a future. But if KFC doesn't stop sourcing their paper products from APP, at the current rate of destruction, the forecast for these tigers -- and the rainforest itself -- is pretty grim.

Help us expose the truth behind's KFC's real recipe and tell it to stop serving up fast food in rainforest destruction. Sign the petition now.

For the tigers,

--Emma, Taren, Claiborne and the rest of us


Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Calls for Facts Not Fiction about Forest
Senepis Tiger Sanctuary Flourishes despite false claims by NGO ‘Eyes on the
Jakarta, INDONESIA: Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) has called on WWF International
to disassociate itself from a report by Sumatra-based NGO ‘Eyes on the Forest’ (EOF)
which contains ‘clearly false’ allegations regarding the company’s operations.
WWF has published and promoted a new EOF report which claims that Asia Pulp & Paper is
converting parts of the Senepis Tiger Sanctuary in Sumatra into pulpwood plantation. It
published ‘satellite maps’ of the concession operated by APP’s supplier, PT Ruas Utama Jaya
(RUJ) which showed the ‘clear cutting (of) tropical forest inside the Senepis Tiger
Sanctuary.’ However, it has been proven - through official government maps - that this
allegation is totally false.
Asia Pulp & Paper has today published official maps of the concession, which show that the
pictures featured prominently in the EOF report are actually from RUJ’s legally-operated
pulpwood concession OUTSIDE of the Senepis Tiger Sanctuary.
Recent, independent, third-party auditing
on the RUJ concession shows that the conservation
set aside by the company is actually almost 50% larger than what is required by the
Government of Indonesia’s independent High Conservation Value Forest assessments of the
Asia Pulp & Paper Managing Director Aida Greenbury said: “The serious allegations made
by EOF about the Senepis Tiger Sanctuary are wrong in every important regard. The
government map which we have released today clearly shows that EOF’s pictures are from a
legal pulpwood concession operated by one of our suppliers and not from inside the
sanctuary. We have also published pictures of the real Senepis Tiger sanctuary which show
that it has been preserved as dense, natural forest.”
“We now call on WWF, an NGO with a good international reputation, to distance itself from
this poorly researched and inaccurate report which does not help anyone who really cares
about preserving the natural environment and wildlife of Sumatra.”
Ms. Greenbury added that that forestry development in Indonesia involves a complex mixture
of social and environmental issues, including illegal encroachments, which threaten both the
integrity of the conservation forest and the sustainability of the plantation areas.$FILE/111213%20APP%20Senepsis

All of APP mills are compliant with ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) standard and with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) standard. APP became the first company in Indonesia to pursue ISO registration, more than a decade ago.

APP Indonesia is a brand umbrella for paper products which are produced by several mills in Indonesia such as PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk, PT Pindo Deli Pulp & Paper Mills, PT PabrikKertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk, PT Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industries, and PT Ekamas Fortuna. APP is headquartered in Indonesia and markets its product to more than 120 countries. Most of APP's production facilities are Chain-of-Custody certified by LEI and PEFC. APP supports several main conservation initiatives, including a 178,000 hectare Biosphere Reserve in Giam Siak Kecil - Bukit Batu and an area of 106,000 hectare for the Senepis Tiger Sanctuary. Both are located in the province of Riau, Sumatra. Other APP wildlife preservation initiatives include the support of the Kutai Orangutan Program in Kalimantan and the conservation of the Javan Rhino in Ujung Kulon National Park. For more information, please visit: .

Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) is one of the world's leading pulp and paper companies with pioneering sustainability initiatives such as its water usage treatment technology standards, large landscape conservation projects, and community empowerment programs. For more info, please visit and

If you think KFC are the only customer Of APP and with out KFC APP will stop production of paper products just show how much you don't know.