UNESCO slams coal and gas impact on the Barrier Reef

Breaking: UNESCO, the UN body in charge of protecting world heritage sites, has just released a report slamming the impact massive new coal and coal seam gas export facilities will have on the Great Barrier Reef. Can you chip in to run an ad campaign in the Financial Times of Asia to let investors know that the Australian public won't let Gina Rinehart wreck the Reef: http://www.getup.org.au/save-the-great-barrier-reef

Just hours ago UNESCO released their findings from their investigation into the Great Barrier Reef's World Heritage status and slammed the Australian government for mismanaging the Reef. The World Heritage authority expressed ‘‘extreme concern’’ about existing and future industrial expansion plans, warning the government they have eight months to lift their game before the Reef may be officially declared 'in danger.' The world's most important environmental protection body is now recommending an immediate halt to any new industrial expansion.

Despite this, Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer are pressing ahead with their plans to industrialise the Reef, threatening whales, dugongs, Australia's international reputation, tourism industry and would massively increase carbon pollution.

Mining billionaires are used to getting their way, but they're not the only ones who know how to fight. Click on the link below to donate to a new ad campaign so it can run in the key financial markets of Asia and India -- warning potential investors not to touch these projects:


Its not just UNESCO who are against the massive expansion of coal and coal seam gas facilities. We've just released an opinion poll that found 79 per cent of Australians are already concerned about the expansion of mining along the Reef's recognised heritage area -- and that was before UNESCO's scathing criticisms started to make headlines nationwide.

Let's make sure investors know this is one project Australians won't support. Chip in now to fund ads in key financial newspapers across Asia and India -- those read by every bank in the region: http://www.getup.org.au/save-the-great-barrier-reef

We know this strategy works. In 2009 GetUp members funded ads in the European Financial Times -- which lead major investors who were previously considering funding Gunns' pulp mill in Tasmania to commit to not fund the project.

Together we can ensure investors hear the full story, and get the message this is one project they don't want to be funding. We've partnered with Greenpeace and BankTrack to take this fight into the finance market but it will only succeed if it's supported by you, sending the message that Australians will fight for the Great Barrier Reef. Chip in now:


Thanks for standing up,
The GetUp team,

PS: Picture the discussion in boardrooms around Asia and India: "Thousands of people chipped in to fund an ad to stop us financing this project... Are we sure we want to be involved? Let's take another look at our figures...". Chip in now to help save the Great Barrier Reef: http://www.getup.org.au/save-the-great-barrier-reef

