Protest the Zionist Council of Victoria's cocktail reception (featuring Ted Baillieu)

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 -
5:30pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
The Hotel Windsor, 111 Spring Street, Melbourne (opposite Parliament)

Ted Baillieu (the Victorian Premier) will be attending a gala dinner with the Israeli ambassador to Australia to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel.

For Palestinians this anniversary is something to mourn as the "Nakba" ("the catastrophe") as it saw the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their home and land.

Students for Palestine invites you to join us outside this event to demonstrate our outrage at these individuals celebrating the ethnic cleansing of a population.



What you have to realise is that Zionist control most Governments around the world and Victoria and Australia is no different.
Israel openly admits to this, Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon sought to silence Shimon Peres, then foreign minister, telling him "don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We control the American people and the stupid Americans know it."Australia is no different why else would we remain silent on the crimes Israel commit?Then we have the International Criminal Court (ICC) is the organization who very recently had flatly rejected a bid by the Palestinian government to try the Israelis for their conduct during ‘Operation Cast Lead’ which led to the murder of 1400 civilians including 300 children. Targeting civilians with F-16s and Apache helicopters, the Israelis had gone on a shooting spree. The three-week long campaign that the Israelis began towards the end of 2008 aimed primarily at civilian enclaves in Gaza was to ‘break the back of resistance’ as was boasted by generals if the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Following the conflict, a UN sponsored tribunal charged the IDF with complicity in war crimes. The Palestinians wanted justice and went to the ICC for that very purpose. But guess what? The ICC rejected the request under the ridiculous excuse that while 130 countries and some U.N. bodies recognize Palestine as a state, it still holds an observer status in the U.N., and so the ICC ‘cannot at this time investigate allegations of war crimes committed on Palestinian territory,’ according to Moreno-Ocampo the ICC prosecutor said.
By claiming that ‘the court’s reach was not based on a principle of universal jurisdiction and it could open investigations only if asked to do so by either the UN Security Council or by a recognized state,’ the ICC brought the Palestinian Authority’s bid for war crimes tribunal to investigate an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip among other incidents of war crimes to a full stop.This shows how much control the Zionist have the only people that can stand up to the War Crimes of the Zionist pigs is we the People.
I have no doubt that Israel will disappear one day. I don't know when that day will come, but I feel it will come sooner than many people think. Israel is based on evil and oppression. It carries the seeds of its own destruction.

Keep up the Good Work

Ted Baillieu is celebrating 64 years of Israeli Terrorism, he should be lot up in Guantánamo bay like David Hicks was for supporting Terrorism.