Let Sydney residents return home!

  care2 petitionsite actionAlert

Imagine you've finally saved enough money to buy a home in your city. You've just gotten your family moved in, ready to face the security that comes from having a place to live--when you learn that through no fault of your own, you must leave your new home immediately.

This is the case for twenty Sydney residents currently forced to live in government housing. »

Terry's apartment building was deemed unsafe for habitation because of fire safety violations, leaks, and inadequate ventilation. NSW's home warranty insurance program moved the building's twenty residents to government-subsidized housing.

That was back in 2009, and they are still unable to return to their apartments because the necessary repairs have not been made. "We just want to go back into our units and live our lives," Terry told the Sydney Morning Herald. 

Clearly, the city bureaucratic machine is failing these residents. If it won't listen to their voices, maybe it'll listen to ours.

Tell New South Wales to get homeowners back into their homes. »

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Let Displaced Sydney Residents Return Home!

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The NSW Housing authorities keep doing these unconscionable things to vulnerable or disadvantaged people.
It's not on.
Everyone has a right to safe housing, and moving to and fro is not safe nor health enhancing for the tenants of NSW Housing.

We are not an unconscionable uncivil society who seek to send away our people so they are further disadvantaged, displaced and taken away from their vital social capital, medical care units etc.
People build this up living where they live, and it's not for bureaucrats to take that away.
Or are the State and Commonwealth Governments just that, uncosncionable and uncivil?

I'm outraged at this treacherous conduct from Australian governments.
Give these people their homes back in good repair, you were given budgets to repair and where did they go?

You keep doing this and there will be more seeking justice in courts.
You've already been warned by the Ombudsman about anti-social behaviour, and had at some court cases.
Want some more, and think you're untouchable.
You're seen by many in high places and this is disgusting.

Best wishes for your just cause to the tenants in all public housing.
They are abusing their power and authority by displacing you this way or any way.

Every Australian is entitled to a roof over their heads, and we've got the means to make that available if the governments, all of them, start showing more conscionable, humane and civil conduct. Consequneces happen if you keep ignoring the obvious. Not ones than enhance civil, conscionable societies.

NSW Housing has had 9 people shot at Surry Hills at a Housing estate named Northcott, that's how much the government 'care' and take their duty of care or due care seriously, not.

Other housing estates have problems that are ignored again and again, and the places are not repaired, not even basics like toilets, even when tenants move in, as I have visited just these when my husband and I were doing some charity work.

Other Housing estates are in trouble and the housing reps. don't do a thing.
The police come again and again, and the tenants live in fear. Will this give the tenants room to give back to society I think not. How can anyone do so when they have to live in fear every day and night in their own homes.

When are the governments going to see they are responsible as Government Landlords and by law as per the Tenancy Acts. to have homes safe and secure for all public housing {and private housing} tenants in Australia.

Justice for these tenants.
Outrageous to displace people who live in public housing.

(Health Professional)

NSW Homes Warranty Insurance Program, what is this?
It seems like it should be the NSW Homes [government will do what they like to owners] Warranty Insurance Program.
Is this similar in policy or practice to the spoken about Disability Insurance Policy.
All these Warranty and Insurance Policies are mis named as well as dis placing persons who either pay rent, own their own homes, or are with some or many dis advantages and have to live in public housing.

NSW Homes Warranty Insurance Program.
We'll investigate just what this is before commenting further. Sounds like a Scam that can be taken to Dept. Fair Trade, an independent home ownership co-op, or lawyer.
If you can afford to buy a home you can usually afford a lawyer too.

The persons most in need in poverty or living below the pverty line, without paid work to sustain their lives without choice, are our main concern with housing, as they have little or no means to even rent when they receive public housing.

These people on this site, do they own their own homes outright? I
f they bought units in insafe buildings and they've been dis placed that's pathetic there's some 'scheme' that dis places them, and there's something wrong or illegal about what NSW government are doing here, it seems to me.

Sounds like the owners need lawyers.
It's sad they are placed in properties
that are meant for the disadvantaged, disabled, traumatised and most vulberable in our society.

I felt horrified reading Marion's account of Public Housing.
It reads like New Natilda's 'The Real Housing Crises' as well as other news I've read over the last few years about public housing.
Don't think it would get better if they change it all and have private corporations running these places as their purpose is profits over people, is roo often greed and merecenary actions.

Someone has to clarify here if the owners were ousted of their units as in owned units they'd saved up for and bought or dis placed from one lot of public housing to another as I think Marion may be speaking about public housing tenants only, and I'm in the dark fathoming this news article.

Private Owners generally have a lot of avenues to go to for legal advice and referal, rather than accept being dis placed into public housing.

May have a lot to understand about home ownership, as I rent privately, that's a whole different ball game to owning your own home. Maybe this news needs more info. to explain what's going on.

Am with Marion, all others as Care 2 who do care about home privacy, safety and security being number one priorities.

Do these people own their own homes, and if so they can seek legal advice and referral.
Hope this helps.
It's a bit confusing reading they (the tenants) are out of their owned homes and into public housing.
Maybe with understanding this important matter.
Warren Williams