Gillard: Keep your promise to Indigenous communities

It has been more than a month since Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced that she was postponing indefinitely plans to overhaul the current indigenous jobs strategy.

She needs to realize (the sooner the better!) that doing so will only prolong the endemic financial troubles that many indigenous communities face. »

Tell P.M. Gillard that if she truly wants to end the disparity between indigenous and non-indigenous Australia like she claims, she needs to take the necessary steps to help them enter the work force, now! »

Warren Mundine, indigenous leader, told The Australian, "There is only one way to tackle welfare dependency in indigenous communities and that's to give people the best alternative -- a career. The government must deliver on their commitments."

In 2008, the government had committed to providing necessary training to create 50,000 jobs. But this commitment has not been honored. Please urge Prime Minister Gillard to act soon on her commitment to help indigenous job seekers. »

Thanks for taking action!

Rachel M.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

P.M. Gillard: Honor Your Promises to Australia's Indigenous CommunitiesTake Action Now!Take Action!   
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Honour your promise.
There's nothing else to say.