A24/25/26 - Bradley Manning, facing life sentence or death penalty, back in military court; we're back on the streets!

If you can't make it to the tribunal at Ft. Meade (maryland, USA) or the U.S. embassy in London, consider making a public stand for Bradley Manning on April 24th., 25th. or 26th. wherever you are - as he stands before a military tribunal that wishes to bury him alive!
Bradley has now been in military custody for over 700 days!

There are solidarity actions presently planned in Cardiff/ Wales, Fairford Base/ England, the gates of Ft. Meade /USA and 14 cities world wide

Renowned Australian born human rights activist Peter Tatchell http://petertatchell.net/ will speak at a solidarity vigil for Bradley Manning at the U.S. Embassy in London on Tuesday April 24th. 5pm

Bradley Manning a 24 year old U.S. Army intelligence analyst, faces life in prison or the death penalty for allegedly sharing a video of U.S. war crime in Iraq with the WikiLeaks website. http://www.collateralmurder.com/ Manning has also been charged with blowing the whistle on the "Iraq War Logs", the Afghan Diaries", "Guantanamo Files", and embarassing U.S. State Department cables.

Peter Tatchell stated,
"If Bradley blew the whistle on war crimes, he deserves a medal - not a jail sentence. All the charges against him should be dropped. The people who should be prosecuted are the US military personnel who committed the crimes, not the man who allegedly exposed their criminal actions."

Free Bradley Manning!
Vigil Outside U.S. Embassy
Grosvenor Square London
5 pm Tuesday April 24th.
Demanding All Charges be Dropped Against Bradley Manning

The London solidarity vigil is being organised by
London Catholic Worker
Veterans for Peace UK
and WISEUP for Bradley Manning

- Closest tubes to the U.S. embassy in London are - Bond St., Marble Arch, Oxford St. Hyde Park Corner
- Map to get to the embassy http://london.usembassy.gov/ukembmap.html

*Bradley Manning is facing 23 charges one carrying the death penalty, accused of exposing war crimes of the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan

Bradley is being brought back to Ft. Meade Maryland on April 24th. 25th & 26th. for a pre-court martial prosecution motions hearing. Solidarity activists in the U.S. will be heading to Ft. Meade to attend the hearing and protest outside the base.
Bradley is in jail for us, we're on the streets for him.
End the Wars! Free Bradley Manning! Drop the Charges!

RECENT REPORTS - Recent Solidarity Actions in Wales around Welsh National Theatre's perfomances of "The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning"
Youtube (1 min) - "The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning" Hyper Connected Theatre
Youtube (30 secs) Audience Reaction's 'The Radicalisation Of Bradley Manning'
*Activism in Wales around the Play - Report & Photos

*****You can view the play, online anywhere in the world in real time, on the following dates & times (British Standard Time). You need to go to this link to register before viewing.....

(British Standard Times)
Wednesday 25th April, 7.30pm
Thursday 26th April, 7.30pm
Friday 27th April, 7.30pm
Saturday 28th April, 2.30pm
Saturday 28th April, 7.30pm

At this stage, the play won't be archived for later viewing.
So if ya want to see it, here's ya chance!

"Almost Gone" written by Graham Nash and James Raymond
*Youtube by Radfax (3 mins 48 secs)
- Australian "Lovers Electric" perform a song for Bradley Manning at Giuseppe Conlon House" London

A year of photos of Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England and beyond solidarity with Bradley Manning and Julian Assange


REPORT - Bradley Manning: Solidarity in Cardiff 16-24 April

Manning went through basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, but six weeks after enlisting, he was sent to the discharge unit after doubts arose about his stability.The military knew he was not stable and still trained him as an intelligence analyst and was given top-secret security clearance.Bradley Manning had written to one of his supervisors in Baghdad before his arrest, saying he was suffering from gender-identity disorder. He included a picture of himself dressed as a woman and talked about how it was affecting his ability to do his job and even think clearly.

It's the military's fault Manning leaked the information they should not have put him in that position, it's like they wanted him to leak information.

I would hate to think what type of mental state he is in now, this bloke needs help, and his superiors need their arses kicked, they fucked up not Manning!

Bradley Manning is a genuine hero, and not to be thought of as an unstable nut of some sort. That classification the Imperialist military reserves for those that really don't believe that might makes right, as the Imperialist Camp teaches everyone.

They simply use them as cannon fodder in the front lines, and as a teach-in to the common soldiers of what they will get if they oppose any officiers decisions at the top. Manning like assange believes in restoration of the matriarchy (50-50 natural electing), which was conquered by the Empires militaries, and to which liberation only full takes place when women are elected equally again or as the Trade Unions say electe Gender Parity so the harmony and joy of the workers can be restored.

To restore the matriarchy so women can access half the wealth, law making, and religo authority makes the empires of the world totally defunct in this new millenium. It is the liberation path and leads to ending war as any nations foreign policy.

Assange and Manning are what the liberation side set as journalism for an intelligent truthful society. That it must contain truthful reporting and accurate denunciation of the Imperialist-fascist-nazis propaganda, who lies to the masses and confuses the truth with monopoly media disinformation.

The liberation fighters of the second world war expected nothing less from journalists, and recognize both Manning and Assange as comrades to the liberation side.

Not only 30 million marched before the Lying U.s. Military invaded and conquered Iraq, but the billions of working class people who dawned uniforms and fought hard to kill the nazis-fascist false flag disinformation put out by the axis powers during the second world war.

Free Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. To criminalize them is to recognize the fascist side. To free them and pay reparations to them is to recognize the liberation side from Militarism, which is to end aggressive wars as any nations foreign policy.

Workers of the world, unite!! End pollution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution. You yet have a world to win!! First Canadian Division says that.

I am personally shattered emotionally that the people involved in Bardley Mannings case cannot restore his life to one of dignity and humanity.

I've felt the blows he's received in a way, as I've once been in an occupation whereby I saw unjust, torturous treatments metered out to people who didn't deserve them.
Who does in this day and age. It's the 21st Century and I'm deeply saddened Bradley Manning has sufferd so long, is still suffering. I say affirmations and prayers for his freedom to create and grow further to his fullest potential as a living and loved, loving fellow man.

I can't comprehend anyone wanting to literally "kill" Bradley Manning, that's unconscionable. What can be gained by this? And, what can be stirred in the Staes by this also?

I'm not religious but "Thou shalt not kill" and the bible's basic principles are all very good and apply here.
How can anyone consider punishment and destructive warlike judgement as this without allowing this man some say, some justice that is humane, some kind of life that is reasonable, and allows him some much needed peace and privacy at long last?

My heart goes out to Bradley his friends, colleagues and family, and I am with hope, no matter what the news media may say.

Truth is never to be punished or judged, and man is not to be threatened with death, or any of this kind of thuggery or bully tactics of any kind, psychological or physical.
We're adults and this is primitive savage treatment that has so far been metered out to Bradley.

A new way of dealing with our fellow man is needed, one where there is empathy at the core, not fear or damage or degradation of any human living persons.
Doesn't anyone feel shame about what they've done and are considering doing to their fellow man, Bradley Manning?

One voice amongst so many I know with social consciences and basic decent human empathy for our fellow human beings.