Free Pussy Riot

Date and Time: 
Friday, April 20, 2012 -
4:00pm to 6:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
free pussy riot
City Square cnr Swanston & Collins Streets Melbourne

A support rally for a feminist art collective punk band in Russia. Pussy Riot staged a protest against Putin in a Russian orthodox church,now members of Pussy Riot, Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samutsevich have are being held in jail facing sentence of up to 7 years inprison.
Bring instruments & brightly colored balaclavas - or at 4pm make your own on the day with Craft Cartel's supplies. Izzy Brown will be blasting out some hip hop during the balaclava making.
Speakers at 5pm includes Karen Pickering from Cherchez La Femme & organiser of Slutwalk Melbourne, Marisa from Anarchist Black Cross Melbourne & Dale from 3cr grrrls radio offensive also mc sean bedlam.



The email address above doesn't seem to work. This event is advertised on and as taking place at State Parliament, not City Square as above. Anyone able to clarify?

sorry typo the email is

Good - but the main question was where: City Square or Parliament House?

So you are planning to stage a protest in the middle of the city, disrupt everyone who is not taking part, and for what? Because two overzealous punk band rockers insulted peoples religious beliefs by staging a protest on their sacred grounds? Do any of you actually live in Russia, or are you all going by what you 'read' like most wannabe political activists.

Well done, how about you better focus your time and efforts and go help some of the cold, hungry homeless people who i'm sure will be watching you from the sidewalk.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? You think that just because they voiced their opinions peacefully (and YES offensively to the church-goers) on 'sacred grounds' that it's a just punishment? Sacred ground? There is no sacred ground, you cretin. Thoughts, feelings, and freedom are sacred. A building where people go to pray to someone that is not even there is not sacred. It's a building where people congregate.

And, on that note, let's consider how things would've gone down if they did this in, say, a mall. Or a park. Or a sports arena. Or restaurant. All places where people congregate...would the ramifications be different? YES THEY WOULD.

A church is a building, and that's a fact. Trespassing, sure. Disturbing the peace, uh huh. SERIOUS charges up to 7 years for hooliganism, ridiculously absurd and just another way the church is flexing its power muscles quietly, whispering 'We're here, and we have the power to make things go our way. Always and without question.'

In the end, you're an idiot anon, and I have no idea what you're doing here. Goodbye (as in leave).