Launch of "The Baiada Poultry Strike: How Class Struggle Unionism can Win"

Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 28, 2012 -
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Socialist Alternative Centre

Last November more than 200 workers walked off the job at the Baiada Poultry processing plant in Laverton in Melbourne’s western suburbs. These workers, alongside community supporters, maintained a picket line for 12 days, eventually winning significant improvements to their pay, conditions, and union rights.

Come along to the public launch of this new pamphlet, published by Socialist Alternative, on the lessons of the Baiada strike and how striking workers can win.

Allyson Hose, Socialist Alternative member, participant in the Baiada community picket, and author of the new pamphlet
Gabriel Ayuen, prominent National Union of Workers delegate at Baiada Poultry during the strike

After the launch, food and refreshments will be available in the Socialist Alternative Centre in Trades Hall. Corner Victoria & Lygon st Carlton.

For more information call Liz Walsh 0405 736 265



It appears 'You can keep out the Chickens'.