Call for supporters to Nyoongar Tent Embassy - government has ordered police in, they are there now

Nyoongar Tent Embassy has sent a call out for supporters to assist at Heirisson Island (Mattagarup).

Apparently 100 police have arrived at the Embassy and with news media piling in.

Talkback radio is piling heaps of pressure for government, council and police action to close it down. However just as many people have been calling into the talkback programs supporting and arguing on behalf of the right of the Embassy.

Premier Colin Barnett has publicly said that action 'will be taken' and that the Embassy has gone off 'for long enough'. He wants not tents, and campers sleeping over.

The Embassy has called on everyone in support of them to send a call out for as many folk as possible to turn up to the Embassy and civilly stand alongside them in their right to maintain a civil and just Embassy - their voice.



Just no justice, people always having to fight for their right of say, in solidarity, Simone

Premier Barnett says they are gone

Police are there