Bob Katter's brother responds to homophobic TV ad - chip in to air it

“My brother talks about family values. Well, I'm here to tell him that hate is not a family value," Carl Katter, responding to his half-brother’s homophobic television ad that's airing right now in the lead-up to the Queensland state election.1
Click to view our response ad starring Carl Katter and help chip in to put in on air.

One of the most homophobic ads to hit Australian television screens is airing right now in Queensland.

Bob Katter's new TV ad sends the message that it’s okay to discriminate against same-sex couples, and when we see a message broadcast on the airwaves that legitimises this sort of bigotry and discrimination, we have to respond.

Click here to view our new ad from Bob Katter’s half-brother Carl, and help put it on air this week:

Bob Katter has every right to form a political party and express his views. But when those views overstep the mark and promote discrimination and bigotry in our community, it's up to us to call him on it.

His ad isn't just offensive or bizarre, it's dangerous: setting a nasty and discriminatory tone for the next Queensland parliament, in which, as media outlets are reporting, Mr Katter's Australian Party "could control the balance of power".2

Just weeks ago Queensland began offering same-sex couples the right to register their commitment to one another through civil unions. But if Bob Katter gets his way, that law will be revoked, in a giant step backwards for equality. Let's fight back, before it's too late.

Carl Katter is launching the ad at a GetUp press conference right now. Let's back him up, and chip in so that we can begin airing it tomorrow, in prime time, between now and election day in Queensland:

There are thousands of young people all over Australia who know they are gay or who are struggling with their identity - imagine how they feel seeing Bob Katter's ad on their television screens.

In 2012, it's just not okay to let those who stand for public office get away with portraying same-sex couples, along with anyone who supports their equal treatment in society, as extremist or against family values. It's just not okay to make young gay Australians feel like they're somehow wrong just for being who they are. It's just not okay to pander to homophobic views in a grubby attempt to get votes.

So together, let's help Carl Katter speak out against his brother's homophobia, and reassure Queenslanders that we don't have to vote for hate.

Donate today and put this ad on the airwaves.

Thank you for standing against discrimination, bigotry and homophobia,

Paul for the GetUp team.

P.S. Ad spots between now and election day are filling up fast. Our expert media buyers have identified a strategy to ensure as many Queenslanders as possible see our ad, but we've got to get started tomorrow. Check out the ad here.




Consummation of a marriage, in many traditions and statutes of civil or religious law, is the first (or first officially credited) act of sexual intercourse between man and woman, either following their marriage to each other or after a prolonged sexual attraction. Its legal significance arises from theories of marriage as having the purpose of producing legally recognized descendants of the partners, or of providing sanction to their sexual acts together, or both, and amounts to treating a marriage ceremony as falling short of completing the creation of the state of being married. Thus in some Western traditions, a marriage is not considered a binding contract until and unless it has been consummated.
Since sodomy and mastibation is not sex how can a Homosexual marriage be consummated?
If Homosexuals want to spend their life together fine!but they can not be married because they do not fit the criteria.May be they need to use another word for their Homosexual life together and let it be legally reconised by the Government.
Because I and many others don't think homosexuals should be allowed to get married because marriage is for men and women why are we called Homophobic?That is as stupid as saying if someone critisises Israel for having illegal nuclear weapons or the treatment of the Palestinians they are holocaust denier's or anti Semitic,Grow up.

Could not of said it better with out getting deleted. Jimbo well said

"It's just not okay to make young gay Australians feel like they're somehow wrong just for being who they are. It's just not okay to pander to homophobic views in a grubby attempt to get votes".
Out of every one in Australia who has HIV/AIDS 85% are male Homosexuals this would be a good argument to say Homosexuals are wrong, but for some reason people try to hide the number of Homosexuals with HIV/AIDS why?

You want to talk about Grubby what do you think anal sex is clean?

What do you think of child molesters?and is it good to be paedophobic and bad to be Homophobic don't see much difference myself it's all sexually retarded and sick

Now condemn me for having Christian values.But let it be said if we all had Christian values there would be No AIDs, No Drugs, No homeless children,No drunks,No Violence,No murders,No rape,No robberies,No abortions and No Homosexuals and I have to put up with this in my world because you people have no Christian values it is I who suffer because of you sick people.

Ok australia,
Keep wasting your time on he said she said, fact alp lied, fact lnp lied isnt time for someone new, show the politicans we had enough of our how freedom, our voice, our choice is taken away from us, stop the nanny states, so australians keep voting alp and lnp, and in the not so distant future your say about any subject will have you in prisoned. Dont take my word for it or listen to the rumor mill, do what i did a get the policies, you will be shocked, make your voted count.