Stronger Futures legislation passed through the lower house on Monday 28th Feb

The Stronger Futures legislation passed through the lower house on Monday 28th Feb - the day of the leadership battle- & weeks BEFORE the senate is due to report. The senate is due to report on March 13th.

Read: Michele’ Harris OAM article of today: Democracy in tatters

And, Greg Barnes (former Govt advisor) article of yesterday.. The NT intervention: undermining equality He speaks of the inequality and in setting precedents.

Look out for upcoming report by Prof Larissa Behrent, Nicole Watson & Alastair Nicholson - due March 8th

‘cA’, NT Consultations Report 2011; BY Quotations (Feb 2012) is available. Order form [cost $15. & $3. Postage] and the NT community transcriptions can be downloaded ‘cA’ website

Georgina Gartland

'concerned Australians'


Doing Abbott's work, are we?