Why haven't Perth Indymedia archives been published on web yet?

When will the Perth Indymedia archives appear online, as promised? This material is of considerable historical importance and should be available to the public.

- Graham Milner



Perhaps there a conspiracy or cover-up going on!!!! Oh my. Perth Indymedia has been infiltrated by secret governmental security angencies!!

Let's hold a protest rally.

Your delusions and fantasies, even if retailed facetiously, are not the issue. The question was: when are the archives of the Perth Indymedia site going to appear on the web, as foreshadowed last year?

- Graham Milner

So, when are we going to get a serious answer to this question from the Perth Indymedia supremos?

- Graham Milner

Why are my posts of Radio Ecoshock not showing up on Indmedia Australia?

They used to appear. This week has some details on American foundation money coming to Australia to deny climate change. Last week had an important speech by NASA's James Hansen at the 2012 American Academy for the Advancement of Science (you'll never hear it anywhere else)...

I publish - but nothing shows up. Strange.

Radio Ecoshock is posted and heavily used on indmedia.uk

Why isn't this global program (broadcast on over 60 radio stations), with global problems, not being approved to post here in Australia??

Please email me, if there are problems I don't understand. Others: please ask that Radio Ecoshock posts be approved to appear for all.

Alex Smith
Radio Ecoshock

Your posts are showing up on the Australian Indymedia site


However if you want them to appear on the Australian site indmedia.org.au AND the Perth newswire http://www.indymedia.org.au/perth

You need to click on the Perth tab in the geography section when you are publishing your stories.

If you click on the Perth tab it will appear in the Australian indy and the perth indy. If you only click on Australia or dont click on a geography then it will only appear on the Indy Australia site.

Hope that clears up the issue - if not then send us an email via the contact page

There has still been no statement from the Perth Indymedia supremos regards the promised posting of the site archive. How is this project proceeding?

It is curious that the Perth Indymedia site was closed down shortly before CHOGM was due to start in Perth last year. Given that CHOGM was clearly by far the most significant event to happen in Perth, from the point of view of the left, during the history of the site, why was the site removed from the web just before the Commonwealth delegates were due to arrive in WA, when the world's attention would be focused on the event and on its host city?

An addendum I submitted last year to a posting on this site dealing with the findings of an overseas Amnesty International delegation that had investigated the human rights situation in Australia, pointed out that the human rights of mental health sufferers in Australia had not been addressed by the Amnesty delegation, and outlined instances of the serious situation with regard to human rights violations at State mental health facilities in WA. When material from the old Perth Indymedia site was transferred to the current national website shortly after the old site was closed down, my addendum on WA mental health had been deleted from the article on the Amnesty report. Perhaps the supremos who ran the old site could explain why this happened, and also why the old site was removed from the purview of interested readers just before CHOGM began in Perth?