Iran and Nukes

America and the EU have decided on an embargo on oil from Iran because of its nuclear position.  Australia is following suite.  Surely if we are going to employ sanctions against Iran we ought to have sanctions in place against Israel who have nuclear weapons but are not a signatory to any agreement.  Israel presents the only nuclear threat in the middle east.  The ough tto be compelled to disarm, then countries such as Iran would have little or no reason to arm themselves with a nuclear capability in response.  And it has not been demonstrated that Iran is trying to arm itself in this way.  Iran's nuclear scientists are being murdered by Israel's secret police.  Iran is shaping up as the next dominoe in the middle east pack, and American and British ships ar eon their way to that territory now.


Israel should disarm it's nuclear capability, and the west ought to compel it to do so.  Meanwhile the Labour Government has chosen to ship uranium to India.  We cannot know that that uranium will be used for peaceful purposes.  It would be the same as shipping uranium to Israel or Iran and saying, "but please do not use it for anything military."  India is not a signagtory to the nuclear non proliferation treaty.  Neither is Israel.  Uranium, and nuclear militarism remains the most dangerous thing humanity faces.  Kevin Rudd is failing us as Foreign Minister, and must learn that being able to speak Mandarin does not make him an oracle on all things international.


Good on ya Noel good to see your eyes are open to the Zionist Israel trip LOL Hope you see how your labor (not labour)Government just loves to lick Zionist Israeli arse.Non of this is about nukes it's all about Regime change in Tehran because President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad see's Israel for what it is Zionist terrorist pigs .But dont worry about Iran they know what they are doing they have stopped trading oil and gas in the U.S dollar just to fuck the yanks up, the same as Saddam did.China India and Russia will keep trading with them and will find a way around not using the Iran's central bank to make payment.Russia have warned the Israelis not to push the U.S. to attack Iran.The Iran-Pakistan natural gas pipeline is now going ahead. Turkey has already signaled their rejection of further U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil and India has refused to stop buying Iranian oil. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in tight with south America the yanks will have no pull there. Japan and South Korea,are now looking for exemptions from the coming boycott/embargo of Iran’s Central Bank.China, India, Japan, and South Korea, together, buy about 62% of Iran’s oil exports.Iran don't give a shit about Australia their business represents two fifths of fuck all, good on ya Kev I hope Rudd don't loose his glasses up Obamas arse because he won't be able to read what they want him to do next.
America has been trying to devalueate the Iranian currency, the rial, with the new sanctions.Bad luck for America and Israel pushing for a Iranian economic collapse, which the Iranian's have welcomed.It will boost Iran’s non-oil exports and help local industry in competition with cheap Chinese imports.A devalued rial will reducing unemployment in Iran.

So as you see I think the Iranians have Zionist Israel's and Zionist America fucked the only thing they have left is to go to war it will be interesting to see if they arrogant enough to do it and risk damaging the world economy even more.

Isn't attacking a group (there are many different zionists in the world) a bit of racial profiling, if not outright racism?

Zionism is a movement founded in 1897 that has sought and achieved the founding of a jewish homeland in Palestine.This has nothing to do with race Sammy Davis Junior was a Zionist Jew and so was Harrison Ford.Sammy Davis Junior was African American and Harrison Ford is a white man these men are two different races so as you see Zionism has nothing to do with race and can not be called racism Noel

It's the profiling of a specific group of people, if they do not represent a race nonetheless it is a form of hate crime targetted at a specific group, close enough to racism in my book.

"you have just made a fool out of yourself".

Thats a bit precious dont you thik


Come on Noel if I target white supremacy groups are you telling me that is racist?Zionists are terrorists thats how they formed Israel through bombings and terrorizing the Palestinian people are you telling me that we can not target this specific group for the genocide they commit every day on the Palestinian people with out being called racist?Even you say "Surely if we are going to employ sanctions against Iran we ought to have sanctions in place against Israel who have nuclear weapons but are not a signatory to any agreement."Noel you are 100% correct with that statement but is that not targeting Zionist Israel what is? I am a little confused Noel, help me out here